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4 Ways to improve your sustainability on campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

We live in a day and age where everyone should (hopefully) know about sustainability and the ways that we can incorporate it into our lives, as individuals and as a society — but there are still gaps in our knowledge. Going to a university with a whole faculty dedicated to the environment, a department that half of my friends are in, definitely helps keep me educated and accountable.

My philosophy is that it’s a lot easier for several people to make small changes than for one person to make a big change. This is what makes sustainability on campus so important, because it can be so easy to start making these little adjustments that help you live more sustainably. 

1. Lug a mug

At the University of Waterloo, there’s a program called “lug a mug,” where you can bring your own reusable mug to any of the food services on campus and get 10-20 cents off each time. This way, you’re saving money and helping the environment by creating less waste! Plus, it’s more enjoyable to drink out of your own mug, which can actually keep your drink cold or warm.

2. Walk or take public transit more frequently

Instead of driving to class, work, or social events, try walking and using public transit! With tuition, we get to use transit for free with the tap of our Watcards, so make good use of it! Don’t drive everywhere if you don’t have to, especially for shorter distances.

3. Invest in sustainable period products

Feminine hygiene products do not have to be used once and thrown away! Invest in a DivaCup or period underwear. A DivaCup catches the blood so you can dump it in the toilet and then reuse the cup — no waste at all! Period underwear includes light, leak-proof padding, and as with any pair of underwear, you can wash them and wear them again. Not to mention, it’s more cost effective to invest in these sustainable products than continuously spending money on pads and tampons.

4. Sort your waste appropriately

One of the simplest ways to live sustainably on campus is to make use of all the waste sorting. The University of Waterloo has done a great job at clearly labelling everything, so you can easily figure out if you need to discard, recycle, or compost!

As you can see, it’s not only easy to live sustainably on campus, but it also makes more sense, and saves you money, too. Hopefully these tips and tricks help you to contribute to less waste!

Hey! I'm a third-year honours arts student at the University of Waterloo! I major in English with a Digital Arts Communication minor and a tech writing specialization! Oh, and I also write for HC Waterloo! I'm an avid reader (go Gryffindor), obsessed with friends and gilmore girls, and a plant connoisseur!