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30-second Style Updates For People Who Are Not Morning People

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

I am not a morning person. At all. I would rather sleep a little longer than get up early enough to put my hair into some elaborate style or put on makeup. As a student, sleep is higher on my list of priorities than putting significant effort into my clothes, hair, and makeup, so I often find myself wearing the same type of outfit over and over again – jeans, top and sweater. I rarely take any big fashion risks and I am guilty of wearing my favourite pieces of clothing way too often. However, despite my simple style, I do still like to look cute. . Fortunately, I’ve realized there are actually a few things you can do to make your simple look a little more interesting in literally 30 seconds or less.


1. Wear big sparkly earrings with your messy bun. We all have those days where our hair just won’t cooperate, and we have to resort to putting it up in a messy bun. Instead of becoming frustrated, take this as an opportunity to show off cute earrings! A big sparkly pair will draw attention to your ears instead of your bad hair day.



2. Add a bandana to your hairstyle. Personally, I wear the same two hairstyles almost every day. I get incredibly bored of it, so one solution I occasionally use is to wear a bandana as a headband. It’s super easy and takes way less time than doing whatever that hair guru on YouTube swears will only take two minutes. Just fold a bandana in half diagonally, roll it up, and tie it around your head on top of your regular hairstyle. Boom. Instant hair makeover.



3. Roll up your skinny jeans. This is a good tip to use during transition seasons when it’s too cold for shorts, but still warm enough that you won’t freeze if you expose a couple inches of skin. It takes almost no effort at all, but it makes a classic look a bit more interesting and a bit more fun.






4. Add a scarf. If your regular jeans-and-basic-shirt look is getting old, just throw a scarf on over top. It takes even less time than putting on your shoes to walk out the door, but it adds a lot to a simple outfit. This is also a great way to add a little colour if you’re wearing mostly neutral pieces.



5. Switch up your outer layer. If you’re looking for a change, swapping out one noticeable piece of clothing will make a big difference. For example, if you normally wear a cardigan, try a denim jacket; if you’re a loyal jacket enthusiast, try a sweater. It’s just one small change, but it can save you from total boredom with your look. Similarly, you can try swapping your regular pair of jeans for a fun skirt, or vice versa if you’re usually more of a skirt person.



Have fun trying a couple of these small changes and enjoy every last minute of sleep you possibly can!

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Shauny C

Waterloo '19

University of Waterloo Honours French and Business 2019, Her Campus Waterloo Campus Correspondent, Social Media Guru, Tech enthusiast.  Fluent in emoji, HTML and CSS. Avid reader of Refinery 29, Buzzfeed, Mashable & Tech Crunch. Follow on twitter @jena_tweets