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Which Dune Character Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Aries- Alia Atreides

You may recall a single shot of a blue-eyed baby being held by Lady Jessica in Paul’s vision (or you may not, I’m kind of obsessed with Dune). That is Alia Atreides, and though she may currently be only an infant, the younger sister of Paul will grow to embody many of the typical Aries traits- fierce, temperamental, bold, and fiery.

Taurus- Gurney Halleck

Stubbornness, loyalty, and respect for tradition- all Taurus traits, and traits that are shared by the sensitive warrior and teacher of Paul.

Gemini- Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen

I’m sorry, Gemini, for assigning you a Harkonnen, but he is probably the most compelling of the bunch. Likely to appear in Dune Part 2 (!), the cunning foil to Paul and nephew of the Baron is clever, outwardly courteous, and maneuvering for power- similar to witty, dynamic Gemini.

Cancer- Princess Irulan 

Though not yet appearing in the 2021 film, her literary excerpts feature prominently in the novel, and she casts a long shadow through them and as the daughter of the Emperor. Creative, intuitive, sensitive….and potentially vindictive (a spoiler for a far-future adaptation), the sign Cancer is the best match for the princess of the known universe.

Leo- Duncan Idaho

While not playing as large a part in the first novel, the Duncan Idaho of the rest of the series (and film), is larger-than-life, charming, proud, and loyal- very much like the lion of the zodiac.

Virgo- Chani

Practical, skilled, caring, and authentic, the sign of Virgo is the best fit for Chani- the Fremen girl of Paul’s (actual) dreams. And, coincidentally, Zendaya is a Virgo too.

Libra- Stilgar

A leader of the Fremen, Stilgar is fair, wise, and always keeps the best interests of his people in mind- a good match for diplomatic Libra.

Scorpio- Paul Atreides 

Ok, Scorpio, you win (at least in my mind). With your intuitive nature, intensity, mystery, and power/ruthlessness, you are the best match for Paul and his looming destiny. You’re also loyal, bold, and intelligent- a few more of the traits that make Paul such a compelling protagonist.

Sagittarius- (also) Gurney Halleck 

Adventure, passion, and a philosophical nature all characterize Sagittarius- and the beloved, multifaceted warrior of House Atreides.

Capricorn- Duke Leto Atreides 

Aside from Capricorn’s paternal associations, those born under the sign are hard-working, stubborn, commanding, loyal, and make amazing leaders- perfect for the respected Duke and father of Paul.

Aquarius- Liet-Kynes

The imperial planetologist, Liet-Kynes is dedicated to a vision, aloof and unconventional, and acknowledges only the authority of Arrakis- textbook traits of the water-bearer.

Pisces- Jessica

Lady Jessica, Paul’s mother, is a powerful, clever, and sensitive woman- drawn by her love and intuition to make a choice that forever changed the path of the universe of Dune. Pisces traits- including sensitivity, spirituality, and adaptability- make a good match.

Emily Christenson

Washington '23

Emily is a current junior at the University of Washington, majoring in English.