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Six Ways to Take a Break Without Scrolling Through Your Phone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Many times, I will choose to take a break from my homework and I’ll mindlessly surf the web or scroll through my phone, and usually, this isn’t satisfying, and I don’t feel like I took a proper break. After realizing this I have started to come up with a few ways that allow me to take a break in a (slightly) more active way. 

1. Watch TV/more long-form content without other distractions 

This one seems a little out of place, as it is still very reliant on technology, but I have noticed that watching one full episode of television is still more relaxing than spending that same amount of time aimlessly on the internet. I like to use an episode of TV as a reward for finishing my work and it’s usually a nice way for me to end my day. I have noticed that watching TV is only an effective break if I am focusing only the TV show and not looking at something else on my phone at the same time, so I try to make sure that I put my phone away when I am watching an episode (though this is kind of difficult with ad breaks). Also, it’s really hard sometimes to stop watching a show, so I would go in with a predetermined limit of how many episodes you want to watch before you start watching. 

2. Do Chores*

Doing this gives me a very needed mental break while allowing me to be productive at the same time. Also, if my space is messy it becomes really hard for me to focus so doing any necessary chores helps me get in the right headspace when I need to return to work. 

3. Make art/be creative* 

Being creative definitely doesn’t have to be a long and/or expensive process. With just a piece of paper and a writing utensil, you can follow along to a YouTube tutorial like this one by AmandaRachLee and exercise a different part of your brain while having fun. I also like using adult coloring books (you can find cheap ones online, in dollar stores and craft stores) and journaling when I’m itching to do something creative. 

4. Talk to someone 

It’s really easy to feel isolated while studying so talking to someone is a nice way to take a break and not feel so alone. If I’m doing homework with a friend, we’ll usually end up talking about something unrelated to our work when we both get tired of whatever we were doing at that moment. I’ll also use my phone calls to my family as a break. If I notice that I haven’t had much time to see my friends, I’ll try to make plans with someone and use that as motivation to get through my work. 

5. Take a nap 

This one is super self-explanatory :), I would just make sure to set a timer before taking the nap.

6. Workout* 

I feel bad putting this one on the list because it’s been a while since I have consistently worked out, but I have noticed that even a 10-minute workout helps me feel more energized and gives me mental clarity. 

I hope you found a new idea for your next well-deserved homework break! 

*For any of these activities you can use your phone to play music, a podcast or any other background noise to supplement your experience :) 

Sahana Sundar

Washington '22

My name is Sahana Sundar and I am studying Industrial & Systems Engineering. In my free time, I enjoy making art, watching tv and hanging out with friends and family.