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Seattle Cold Weather Essentials You Need to Have

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

It’s a terrible Seattle type cold – the type that bites. You’d rather be anywhere than on-campus, speed walking across Red Square, trying to get to your next lecture. Even after your classes end, you find yourself waiting: for the bus, for a friend, or even for the light to turn green. The cold doesn’t let up, only worsening with the early sunset. You close your eyes and dream of spring break: warm beaches and hot sun. 

While nothing can replace a good quality winter coat and waterproof boots, looking after those random bits and pieces is essential. Luckily for you, some small items you can carry will help you battle the unfortunate freeze. 

Lip Balm

I know. This one seems like a no-brainer. But, the number of times I’ve left the house without a stick of lip balm, only to hit the freezing wind head-on and physically feel the moisture in my face escaping my body, is too many times to count. Throw some lip balm in your car, backpack, jacket pocket, or anywhere you can use it.

Wool Socks

The beauty of warm socks is nothing to be overlooked, and you never notice your feet until they are cold. Invest in good long socks – ensuring no skin is exposed to the elements. When you miss that bus and have to trudge through the city, your toasty feet will thank you!

Fingerless Mittens

Truly the single best invention known to man. The common mitten? Awful, you can’t even use your fingers, it gives elementary school vibes, all around no. The glove? A step up, sure, but now you can’t display rings or your nails. The compromise, the solution – the fingerless mitten. You can use your phone, your fingers can fiddle around, and you stay cozy and cute! If you’re interested in knitting your own pair of fingerless mittens, click here for a simple procedure for those and other cozy goodies. 

Hand Cream

Basically, all the same reasons why you need to carry lip balm, but in hand cream’s case, it is way more important. What do you use to write, type, and drive with? Your hands, of course! And you have to take care of them, especially in the winter when they can become even more cracked and sore. Put a thing of lotion next to the lip balm you just added and use it whenever necessary. 

Stay warm Seattleites!

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Beyza Cardakli

Washington '24

Student at the University of Washington in Seattle.