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Original photo by Lily Borror

Little Ways to be More Sustainable

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

The sustainability movement is important for a number of reasons, but personally, I find it slightly overwhelming. Like everything I do in a normal day is counteracting it and there can be a lot of shame around that. Sustainability has turned into something that’s slightly classist, almost expensive. I reject that to be sustainable you have to never create any waste and only buy clothes from sustainable brands like Reformation. Those things are great but it’s just not feasible for most people. And with big corporations doing the bulk of the damage, I think you should be proud about doing anything to be more sustainable. Here are some little ways I’ve been trying to be more sustainable. 

Use silicone straws 

I am a little late to the reusable straw trend, but that was mostly because I preferred drinking from an open-mouth reusable water bottle. However, these silicone straws are amazing! They open up and snap closed for easy cleaning and are so cute! Is it ironic to buy sustainability stuff from Amazon… yes. But again, we’re not going for perfect here. I love to use them for my iced coffee! 

Clean out jars and containers to reuse as drinking glasses or Tupperware  

This is a tried and true way to easily be more sustainable and produce less waste. And personally, I think jar-like glasses are super cute.

Do Meatless Mondays- or better yet only eat meat one day of the week! 

Right now I am about 90% vegetarian. I don’t eat any meat Sunday through Thursday, but on Friday nights, when my boyfriend and I are just really craving some fast food we’ll go get carne asada tacos or make a run to Dick’s Burgers. Meatless Mondays are said to be very good for the environment, so I figure having meat only on one day of the week is even better! 

Bar soap > soap in a single-use plastic container

 This one has to do with reducing the plastic you use- it’s simple and cheaper than body soap out of a container! 

And of course, RECYCLE! 


Ashley is a Senior at the University of Washington, Seattle, double majoring in Political Science and Journalism. She likes watching movies, finding fun restaurants, and hanging out with friends.