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How To Hate Your Peers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Do you ever just hate people?
Are you ever forced to sit in a room for two hours with someone you hate?
Do you have a naturally friendly disposition but a certain idiot in you class brings out the worst in you?

Yes, me too.

Dealing with people that make you hate more than you ever thought possible is part of being a collaborative team player in school. It suuucks because you’re not exactly working with them (then you’re at least getting paid) and you’re definitely not hanging out as friends (because they suck)… So, do you have to be polite? 

I say no.

If a dummy is dumbing up your classroom the only way to deal with it is swift character assasination and ridicule. You can do this by texting others in your class hilarious put downs as well as making sarcastic comments in response to their annoying “contributions” to class. They only way to get away with these actions is if the class is in full H8 agreement and if you are a good student in the class.

Now you might be saying, “but Vange, there aren’t any annoying dummies in my classes!” To which I say, you are the annoying dummy!

have a good friday!

Evangeline Spracklin is a junior studying DXARTS at the University of Washington. Born and raised in Seattle, Evangeline enjoys playing basketball, riding the bus, and not using an umbrella. Other interests include: filmmaking, good deeds, and jokes.