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How to Destress During Midterm Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Midterm season is one of the most stressful times of the quarter. I just finished my first round of midterms last week, and frankly, I can’t believe the next round of midterms is coming up in just a few weeks. Autumn quarter is beginning to pick up speed, and while it may be easy to get wrapped up in homework and studying, it’s important to take a step back and relax. Here are some ideas for destressing this midterm season:

1. Watch TV!

When I’m stressed, I like to watch TV shows, especially comedy shows. They put me in a better mood and brighten my day, which is especially important if I’m feeling weighed down by all the studying I’m doing. One of my personal favorites is the show Psych. It’s a bit old, but always manages to put a smile on my face.

2. Listen to music!

Music has a huge impact on your mood– I know it certainly does for me. When I’m stressed, I enjoy listening to upbeat music to boost my mood, and calming music to help me relax. If you’re looking for some calming music, I would recommend listening to the band Surfaces (shout out to my roommate Anita for introducing me to their music!).

3. Get Outside!

If you’re feeling stressed, I’d suggest getting out of your room and going for a walk. When I’m stressed, I like to get out of my dorm and get coffee, or just take a walk around campus. It’s so peaceful and calming, and I am always in a better mood afterwards. Getting some fresh air can help clear your head, which allows you to study more efficiently.  

4. Talk to A Friend!

This is my personal favorite out of all the ways to destress. Stress is a really challenging feeling, but it can be comforting to know that other people are feeling the same way you are. I know that when I’m feeling especially stressed, I like to talk to a friend about how I’m feeling, and this always helps make my day better.

5. Cry

If you’re feeling really stressed, sometimes it’s a good idea to let out all your emotions. One of the best ways to do this is to just have a good cry; releasing negative emotions like stress can help clear your head and help you work more efficiently.

These are some of the ways that I personally recommend for destressing during midterm season. There are obviously many more ways to destress, but these five have helped me a lot, and I hope that they can help you, too! Good luck for midterms season!

Vandhana Manoj

Washington '23

Vandhana is a freshman at the University of Washington studying Engineering. In her spare time, she enjoys writing for HerCampus, listening to music, and bullet journaling.