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Easily Forgotten Essentials for your College Apartment

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

As leaves begin to turn various colors and fall to the ground, students return to campus for the first time in well over a year. For many, this entails moving away from their hometown to an apartment or dorm close to campus; and for some, this will be their first time living away from their parents. Many little things that make life easier can often be forgotten while living with parents who seemingly have everything.

As a third-year student, here is a non-extensive list of little things which I have forgotten or didn’t think I needed that turned out to be essential in my everyday life:


Having a blender at home was certainly something I took for granted. Being able to whip up a smoothie, soup, or dessert at any time of the day (as well as saving money in the long-run from $11 Seattle smoothies!) was an underrated convenience. I purchased a mini magic bullet last year and have used it frequently ever since.


You just never know when you’re going to scrape your knee or feel compelled to get a new piercing! Saline will help keep any wound sterile and infection-free.


As you’ll most likely be a one-person household now; you’ll need Tupperware for your leftovers. It can be a pain to store but I’ve found it is essential.


Even if you think you’ll never cut or injure yourself…you will. At least once.

Can Opener

Although a can opener is almost as affordable as a can of soup itself, it’s definitely something that will come in handy. I use mine daily and I also eat even more canned food while living alone than I had ever anticipated.

Dryer Sheets

These aren’t necessary, per se, but sometimes the static in your clothes can be the last straw in an already mediocre day.

Cooking Oil

Whether you ever plan to venture out to your apartment floor’s communal kitchen, or you are lucky enough to have a fully equipped studio, cooking oil will be something you may not have remembered but that you’ll need soon enough. Even many frozen meals require cooking oil!


Although this almost goes without saying, a simple pair of kitchen scissors can be a lifesaver.

Toilet Plunger

Yes, even though you know you won’t need one…you need one.

Mercy Johnson

Washington '23

Mercy is a fourth-year physiology major at the University of Washington who hopes to become a physician someday. She enjoys journalism, ethics, and anthropology courses. In her spare time, she loves to hike, play piano, and read. She is also a devoted coffee connoisseur!