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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Maybe you’ve just moved to a new city, started attending university, or just needed to leave your previous living situation. Whatever the case, here are 11 questions you should definitely ask your new roommate to ensure smooth sailing. And, of course, with all of these questions, be sure to give your response to them too! Communication is a two-way street, after all.

  1. Do you have any allergies?

Including food, animals, medication, etc. I don’t think I need to tell you why this info is important for both of y’all to have on each other. 

  1. Are there any smells/scents you dislike/are sensitive to?

A story, if you will. My roommate buys a strawberry-bubblegum-blast candle. I became nauseous. I sprinkle lavender essential oil on my bed sheets. She gets a crippling headache. Just swap your smell aversions and save the trouble. 

  1. What holidays do you celebrate?

This question gives you insight into their religion and/or cultural background. Not only is this a neat little icebreaker, but you’ll know when parties/gatherings might occur at home. 

  1. Have you ever had a roommate before? How did that go?

Unfortunately, you can’t really call up someone’s previous roommate and ask if they endorse them. This question is the next best thing.

  1. What’s your policy on sharing?

What foods in the fridge can you eat? What utensils or kitchen appliances can you use? What about textbooks, pens, or paper? Microwave or printer? Make sure boundaries are set to prevent arguments.

  1. What sort of cleaning routine should we have?

A weekly cleaning routine works well for most people, with each roommate being in charge of a specific area or task. You could rotate these tasks, or stick with them for the entirety of the lease. Whatever works, as long as it gets done.

  1. Who are your emergency contacts?


  1. When do you usually go to bed/come back home?

Aka, how often will I get the place to myself?

  1. How are we going to communicate with each other?

Is it text, voicemail, or passive-aggressive sticky notes on the bathroom door? Choose a method.

  1. Are you a light or heavy sleeper?

If you’re both sleeping in the same room, then this question is a no-brainer. 

  1. How do you spend your free time?

This is a better question than asking, ‘What are your hobbies,’ because it’ll give you a real answer, expect answers like ‘scrolling on TikTok’ or ‘sleeping.’

Good luck with this new chapter of your life, Huskies!

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Beyza Cardakli

Washington '24

Student at the University of Washington in Seattle.