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Business of Bras: The Push-Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

In light of the recent Abercrombie toddler swim top scandal, this week’s installment of the Business of Bras will focus on the push-up.

According to the Internet: the push-up bra is a brassiere that lifts and shapes the breasts to increase cleavage and hypothetically, sex appeal. This lifting and shaping is achieved with the help of pads on the underside of each bra cup which can be sculpted out of foam, gel, and water, but mostly out of body image issues.

Collegiette Pro: Extra boobage can get you many places in this world as long as perverts are in control.

Collegiate Con: The astonishing rate at which “bishes be gettin’ hella jealous” of your rack.

HC Washington Opinion: The push-up is a tool of power that should be used responsibly.

Evangeline Spracklin is a junior studying DXARTS at the University of Washington. Born and raised in Seattle, Evangeline enjoys playing basketball, riding the bus, and not using an umbrella. Other interests include: filmmaking, good deeds, and jokes.