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Honest Advice for Freshmen From a Soon-To-Be Graduate πŸ’œ

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

It’s already May and my graduation is fast approaching- and I have some things I want to say.

It’ll be over before you know it

As a member of the class of 2022, about half of my college years were taken from me by the pandemic- half of my sophomore year and all of my junior year happened online, during a time when the world was (extra) stressful and time basically meant nothing.

For me, college went by even faster than normal- but even those who didn’t have a pandemic college experience can surely sympathize.

I am not a big ‘live in the moment’ gal, ask anybody, but I really do advise that you take hold of every opportunity, and seek them out!

I know it’s easier said than done but just… keep it in mind.

take advantage of your freaking resources

I didn’t fully utilize UW’s (amazing) career center until late junior year, and it wasn’t till my senior year that I was having regular meetings with my favorite career advisor (shout-out Meg).

These services are FREE and so so helpful. They talk you through what makes a good resume, and cover letter, and give you outside resources you never would have found on your own to help with job searches, career exploration, and more.

Also, you should totally use the IMA, this may be one of the few times in your life you have a FREE gym at your disposal. Plus, endorphins make you happy.

I met someone recently who didn’t know Hall Health existed. I now pick up my birth control there- so quick and easy! All the doctors I’ve had are super nice and it’s a great resource when in a pinch.

On that note…

Start career work early. I mean early early.

People are gonna tell you you have soooooo much timeβ€” well as stated before, you really don’t. Internships, jobs, apprenticeships, OH MY! APPLY APPLY APPLY!

I don’t mean to stress you out, but I really wish I had started career exploration much sooner, especially because I had nailed myself into the coffin of law school before I even looked at the options.

Here’s a tip: write down what you like to do. Draw, write, math, science. Write what you like about these things. Go to a career counselor and talk to them. They will guide the discussion and help you gain some insight into different careers out there.

One thing I realized recently was that there are so many jobs out there. I know that sounds stupid, but there really are so many jobs that most people have never even heard of. Writing those cute little blurbs on the side of a Trader Joe’s box- that’s someone’s job.

The world is vast and there are so many jobs out there- so get to exploring on your FIRST DAY.

That being said…

Do not tie yourself to a career or path just because it feels safe- you will waste time

Be honest with yourself about what you like and what you want to do and why.

When I thought I wanted to go to law school, I couldn’t answer the most important question: “So Ashley, why law school?

I couldn’t! I scrambled, trying to think of the answer that wasn’t “safety,” “security,” “prestige,” “because I’ve always said so!”

I spent over a year working toward law school, and because that path is so intensive, I basically worked on nothing else. That was a year I should have been looking into my real interests.

Not all is lost, I learned a lot from the experience but it would have been nice to have that time back to work towards something I was deeply passionate about.

There is so much pressure to have it all figured out, from parents to friends to social media. But college really is the place to explore- and you don’t have to do it alone. The staff at UW are trained to help and guide you through all of it. I know can be hard to ask for help, but college is also about personal growth, and getting over that hump of not asking others for help is a great place to start.


With all that said, Class of 2026, I am so happy for you and am pleased you are coming to UW.

You got this!

Go Dawgs! πŸ’œπŸ’›

Ashley is a Senior at the University of Washington, Seattle, double majoring in Political Science and Journalism. She likes watching movies, finding fun restaurants, and hanging out with friends.