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8 Things Every Out-of-State UW Student Has To Learn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Yes, you probably toured the University of Washington in high school and showed up for freshman orientation, but you probably still had a few misconceptions about Seattle (and UW) on your first day of school. But once you started learning inside and out of the classroom, some of those lessons included how to blend in like a native Seattleite. You learned how to pronounce Issaquah and Puyallup, discovered the joy of Molly Moon’s, and figured out the following eight things…

1. Say goodbye to umbrellas.

You mourn your adorable printed umbrella that you stowed away within your first days in Seattle after you learned of the anti-umbrella stigma.  While you may be laughing with the natives at the tourists that instantly out themselves with their obnoxious umbrellas, you’re crying on the inside for the cute pictures you had imagined that will now never be. 

2. The SAD is real. 

At the start of fall quarter, you would mock everyone with a sunlamp for their weakness and what you assumed was a reluctance to go outside. After several cloud-filled weeks with no golden orb in sight, you find your hypocritical self basking in the faux-sunlight emitted from the sun lamp you ordered on Amazon during your free six months of Amazon Prime.  

3. You assumed living in Seattle would mean Starbucks all day everyday. 

Little did you know that within months you would be pledging allegiance to your favorite local coffee shop on the Ave, potentially losing friends in the process. Blood may be thicker than water, but coffee is thicker than both. I’ve spent the most productive days of my life at Slate Coffee Roasters, and I’d rather drink watered down coffee from the dining hall that spend a morning in the loud and crowded environment of Café Solstice. 

4. Your UPASS is pure gold.

Come summer, the sun hardly fills the void in your heart that is left by the removal of the bus pass from your Husky card.  You now regret every time that you took the free bus and lightrail rides for granted as you begrudgingly pay for every single ride around the city.  However, you’re now forced to perfect your summer body thank to all the walking you’ll be doing to avoid paying $2.50 to get to your destination.

5. There’s nothing like an insider’s perspective.

You’re infinitely grateful for the native Seattleite who took you under their wing in fall quarter  and introduced you to all the local secrets.  You look forward to passing on their wisdom to freshmen in upcoming years.  (Shoutout to the lovely Avery for showing me and a fellow out of state student Volunteer Park, the Asian Art Museum, and the Volunteer Conservatory during the first Thursday of the month.)

6. Thanks to UW, you’re the palest you’ve ever been.

It’s only a matter of months before you deem your original foundation useless due to how pale you now are.  Unless your aesthetic is Snooki chic, a trip to Sephora (or Target) is crucial. 

7. You wear the same thing every day.

In lieu of your umbrella, your black Northface or Patagonia is now essential to your daily wardrobe.  If you’re like me, it even has its own hook in the closet. Come fall, black rain jackets coupled with jeans and rainboots may as well be UW’s unofficial school uniform. 

8. Everything is gray.

During the rainy season (which occupies two thirds of the school year) it feels as if your only form of self expression is the color of your Hunter boots or Doc Martens.