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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Online classes can be tough; I’m on week 6 of online classes, and honestly, I’m still not used to them. Two of my classes have labs and getting used to doing those online have been difficult, to say the least. Productivity is important, but before sharing my tips to stay productive, I wanted to share the message that the best thing you can do right now is show yourself a little kindness, because the current situation is really stressful. We live in a world of hustle culture and people showing us that we need to be productive 24/7, but I don’t think this is healthy under any circumstances, but especially now.

With that, here are 3 of my favorite productivity tips for online classes:

1. Write a To-Do List

I know, it’s cliché, and you’ve probably heard this one before, but this has helped me so much with online classes. At the beginning of the day, I write out a to-do list of all the things I need to do for that day. These usually tend to be lectures I need to watch, and assignments due the next day or two. I’ve found that using a planner and scheduling things far in advance can be overwhelming because I get too wrapped up in all the things coming up, so going day by day has really helped me.

2. Take Breaks

Yes, breaks are productive. I like to take 10-minute breaks after I’ve finished a task, or in some cases, I’ll take a longer break if I just finished something big, such as writing a paper or studying for a test. It’s important to take breaks periodically, because this can help you come back to your work more refreshed.

3. Listen to Music

This is a debatable one; I know plenty of studies say that listening to music while working isn’t productive, but I’ve found that it really works for me. I especially like Lo-Fi music; I think it’s the best genre to listen to while working. I usually like to play my favorite playlist and start working, and it’s quite motivational. If you’ve tried listening to music and it doesn’t work for you, then do what works best for you, but I’ve found that music makes working more enjoyable for me.

Those are some of my tips for productivity with online classes! Honestly, the best tip is to do what works for you, but these have helped me, so I hope they’ll help you as well!

Vandhana Manoj

Washington '23

Vandhana is a freshman at the University of Washington studying Engineering. In her spare time, she enjoys writing for HerCampus, listening to music, and bullet journaling.