When Glee first aired in 2009, the show was a revolutionary musical that served as a beacon of hope for high school outcasts. Re-watching the series in 2020, however, has shed light on the many controversial topics the show sought to tackle. As a fan of the musical at a young age, I was shocked at the number of problematic plotlines in the show that I had either ignored or forgotten. We live in a time and age where most broadcasted shows are sensitive to topics like racism, sexual identity, and sexual assault, so it’s hard to believe that a show produced over 10 years ago exposed hard-hitting topics like these in such a comedic and cheerful series. In case you forgot, here are a few plotlines in Glee that you may have forgotten, that were totally controversial:
- When Finn Believed That He Impregnated Quinn via Hot Tub
While Finn and Quinn are dating, Quinn loses her virginity to Finn’s best friend, Puck, and ends up getting pregnant. Quinn, hiding her unfaithful act from Finn, claims the baby is his and says it happened when they hung out in a hot tub together. After all, there was no other way he could have gotten her pregnant, considering he was a virgin at the time. Watching this back in 2020 made me realize how unfortunate it was for Finn to lack such basic sex-ed knowledge in high school.Â
- When Terri Plotted to Trick Will Into Believing That Quinn’s Baby was Their Own
Terri, Will’s wife at the time, plots to steal Quinn’s baby and raise it as her own, while Will believes that he is the baby’s father. Teri thinks that it will save her sinking marriage with Will, but he eventually finds out before she has a chance to fake-birth Quinn’s child.Â
- When Mr. Shue Secretly Watched Finn While He was Showering
While searching for students to join Glee Club, Mr. Shue hears an angelic voice coming from the locker room, and quietly sneaks in to watch Finn sing while he is showering. A complete violation of privacy, in my opinion!
- When Mr. Shue Planted Weed in Finn’s Locker and Blackmailed Him Into Joining Glee Club
Finn is hesitant about joining Glee Club as it will tank his social ranking at William McKinley High School. To convince him to join the musical group, Will falsely accuses Finn of marijuana possession and threatens to report it to the principal if he refuses to join Glee Club.Â
- When Mr. Shue Wanted Glee Club to Twerk at Nationals
Mr. Shue insists that the Glee Club should twerk at their performance at Nationals to leverage their win, but the kids aren’t so comfortable with the idea. Although the Glee Club is valid for not wanting to shake their booties inappropriately on stage, Mr. Shue isn’t so understanding of their decision.
- When Kitty Purposely Triggered Marley’s Anorexia by Altering Her Clothes
In a ploy to break Marley and Jake up, Kitty sneaks backstage of the set of the school musical to slowly alter Marley’s costumes tighter and tighter. This leads Marley into believing she is gaining weight, and ultimately triggers Marley to partake in anorexic habits like self-induced vomiting and dieting.
- When Ryder Shared His Experience With Sexual Assault, and No One Comforted Him
In an emotional Glee Club circle, Ryder opens up about how he was molested by his babysitter when he was eleven and she was seventeen. Instead of comforting him after sharing such a vulnerable story, the guys of the Glee Club say they would “kill” for the same experience since he was a pre-pubescent boy and she was an older girl. Had Ryder’s friends been more understanding of his childhood experience, young viewers of the show may have learned the importance of showing support and sympathy toward others who may open up to them about their own traumas as well.Â
- When Finn Outed Santana’s Sexual Orientation in the School Hallway
At the time, Santana had yet to come out to her friends and family, and Finn outs Santana’s sexuality in the school hallway. She should have been able to come out of the closet on her own time rather than Finn sharing her secret with their whole high school class.
- When Tina Rubbed VapoRub On Blaine While He was Unconscious
Although Tina and Blaine were friends at the time, her rubbing VapoRub on Blaine’s chest while he was asleep was unconsensual. Shortly before, Tina had confessed her romantic attraction toward Blaine and he expressed that he didn’t feel the same way. After all, he was openly gay and every one knew it. Â
- When Finn Insulted Sue’s Baby With Down Syndrome
Finn attempts to insult Sue by calling her baby, who has Down Syndrome, a “retard.” Although a statement that was made in the heat of the moment, it was an extremely insensitive remark. I’m sure a comment like this, especially said by a protagonist, would not be in a television script written in 2020.Â