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Which Friends Character Are You Based on Your Finals Study Spot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

East Asian Library — Ross


Not only is this study space archaic like the dinosaurs Ross studies, but it’s inevitable that Ross would shed a tear at the beautiful aesthetic of this hidden gem.


Bauer — Rachel


It’s pretty obvious that Rachel Green wouldn’t be caught dead in a cubicle. What better spot for her to online shop while pretending to study than the beautiful atrium of Bauer Hall.


Holmes Lounge — Joey


One word: sandwiches.

Law Library — Monica 

As someone who loves neatness, Monica would absolutely adore the quiet and orderly law library. Not to mention some of the highest-quality cuisine on all of campus is made right downstairs in the Law Cafe.


Music Library — Phoebe


Unfortunately there are no smelly cats anywhere on the WashU campus, so Phoebe would probably settle for the second best: the Music Library. Not only is the music library the perfect place to get in touch with your musical side, but it is super low-key (just like Phoebe’s insane life story/hobbies/personality) which makes it a great place to study.

The Common Room — Chandler


Everyone knows that the common room is not necessarily the home of productivity. I mean, with everyone from your floor coming in and distracting you, could there BE a worse place to get stuff done?



Olin — Janice


Oh. My. God. As the main library on campus, Olin is obviously a great place to study. But as with any popular spot, you run the risk of running into literally every single person you know, even the Janice of your friend group. ~beware~!


Washington University Class of 2019. College of arts and sciences, Psychology major with a minor in Design