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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

This winter has felt especially long and cold and with COVID it’s hard to enjoy some of the usual winter activities (i.e. cozy movie nights with friends, indoor dining, etc). Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow meaning six more weeks of winter, but Spring is on its way so here are ten things to look forward to for the rest of winter!

1. Snow

You have to like winter a little to enjoy the snow, but it’s hard to argue that watching the snow fall from inside a cozy dorm room is hard to beat!

2. Sledding

Taking your sleds out (or makeshift ones!) with your friends can be a fun and socially distanced winter activity to enjoy for the rest of winter.

3. Campus snowmen

Similar to sledding, building snowmen across campus can be a fun socially distanced activity to do with friends, and they’re just as fun to see on a chilly walk to class!

4. Dogs in the snow

I think we can all agree that dogs playing in the snow is one of the biggest highlights of winter!

5. Hot chocolate or coffee (or both)

The feeling of a hot drink on a cold day can’t be beat whether its Zooming in your dorm room or walking between in person classes!

6. Winter views

While winter can be pretty long and cold, it is hard to deny that the views are beautiful! Something about a dusting of snow on campus is just so soothing!

7. Sweaters

Sweaters are one of those seasonal things that just make sense. The comfort of a warm sweater is a pretty great feeling, especially as we enter these last few months of winter.

8. Leftover holiday lights

People tend to leave their Holiday lights up and seeing them is guaranteed to warm up a chilly day!

9. The first spring blooms

While we are still a ways out from this, knowing that soon we’ll be seeing early Spring blooms starting to pop up is definitely something to look forward to!

10. Longer days

One of the surest signs of Spring on the horizon is more daylight! The days will get longer and then Spring will be here before we know it!

Isabella is a sophomore at WashU majoring in environmental analysis and minoring in art!
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