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Felicity Warner / HCM
Culture > Entertainment

Some 80s & 90s Rom-Coms My Mom Recommended to Me (and Now I’m Recommending Them to You)!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.



1. She’s All That

Person pointing a remote at a t.v. that reads Netflix

A prank turns into romance as the high-school prom approaches. Can a dumb joke turn into true love? Stay tuned.


2. Reality Bites

Biting sarcasm, witty comebacks, and not-so-platonic friendship abound in this story of recent college graduates looking for life, love, and jobs that don’t crush their souls. Watch if you’re looking for a killer soundtrack.

3. The Truth about Cats and Dogs

Puppy Happy Fun Girl
Charlotte Reader / Her Campus

In this radio-centered flick, man’s best friend meets a heartfelt, humorous mix-up. 

4. 10 Things I Hate About You

10 Things I Hate About You gif

Based on Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. Kat must find a boyfriend for her older sister, Bianca, before she can date. I saved the best for last with this absolute gem of a film.

My name is Gabrielle Martinez. I am a freshmen at the University of Miami. I am currently an English major and I aspire to be a lawyer. I enjoy writing about fashion, food, and entertainment.
Jess Greene

Washington '22

Wash U Class of 2022, double major in Psychology and Marketing