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The How-To Guide for Parents’ Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

When the dorm rooms are actually clean and the average age of campus has gone up about 30 years it can only mean one thing: parent’s weekend! Wondering how you are going to spend two whole days with your mom and pop after all this time apart? No worries! We’ve got you covered.
St. Louis has some really nice malls. The Galleria is so close to campus and has just about every store you could be looking for: Urban, Nordstrom, the Apple store, and a ton more! But if you’re looking for something a little more upscale, try the Frontenac in Ladue. It’ll be a special treat.
Get Pampered
All moms love spa days with their daughters – so take advantage! Get your nails done (I recommend Ladue Nails on Clayton Rd – close and very nice) or get waxed. It’s easy forget how nice these little luxuries of high school were until your bottle of nail polish remover is empty and your cuticles have gone to h-e-double hockey sticks.
Forest Park
A lot has happened since your parents dropped you off in August, so go on a nice long walk to catch up! It’s fun to get lost in the many beautiful paths of Forest Park, not to mention the fresh air! If you want to do something a little more structured, go to the zoo or the wonderful art museum. And the best part is, it’s all free!
The Boat House

If you haven’t been here yet, you really have to go. It’s right in the middle of the park, so it’s the perfect place to end up after your walk. They have delish food that’s fairly well priced, and you can rent a paddle boat after lunch to meander around the many ponds of the park!
St. Louis has some really awesome restaurants, especially for brunch. While your parents are here, try going somewhere you haven’t tried because it’s too far for a cab or it’s a little pricey. You might be on a college budget, but while the ‘rents are in town, they’ll be happy to treat you to some place nice.
When was the last time you actually went to a movie theater? Parents love going, and it’s a great way to spend time together. My favorite theater in St. Louis is definitely the Chase Park Plaza cinema.
Be a tourist
Been to the arch yet? If you haven’t, now is your chance! You don’t want to graduate and realize that you’ve never been to St. Louis’s one famous landmark…
Move in part 2
Time to restock! No matter how many times you go to Schnucks, there is nothing as good as going with good old mom and dad. Mom finds all the great snacks you forgot you loved and dad helps carry the water bottles. Don’t forget Walgreens while you’re out!
Cardinals game
They’re doing well, really well. And while a lot of the above activities are more mom-centered (trust me – I brought my dad to the mall last parent’s weekend… I don’t recommend it), a Cardinals game is the perfect activity for all you daddy’s girls. And if there’s not a game in town, at least there is a home football game!
Image courtesy of AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com