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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

I love packing and preparing for vacation almost as much as the actual vacation. Okay that might be too much but I do really like it. I also hate the week before it’s socially acceptable to start packing when things are normal and boring and you just want to go on vacation. For a lot of us at WashU, that’s this week. So here are some fun ways to extend the vacation prep time as much as possible and avoid the crazy rush to remember everything that needs to happen before you can ~relax~.


The Week Before:

Make some lists!

I really love lists. Looking at all of the things I need to do somehow calms me and makes me feel like I have a grasp on my responsibilities. When it comes to fun things like vacation, I use the same strategy because I’m constantly worried I forgot something.

I’m not going to tell you what to pack, mostly because you don’t need to know how extremely I overpack, but this article can be your preparation list so really your first step is done!


Clean everything!

It’ll make everything so much easier to see and find and organize if you’re starting with a clean space. Even if you aren’t super into vacation prep, going full Marie Kondo makes everything better.

While you’re at it, do your laundry. You know you need to.



The next few things are just some things I either do as a very extra person or things I would do as the most extra version of myself if I had the time and money to do it. It’s all up to personal preference and if these steps aren’t your thing that’s 100% fine. Live your own best life!


Start taking care of yourself physically!

Ideally, you’d be doing this all the time, but we all know that doesn’t always happen. Personally, I don’t believe in diets and even if I did, you wouldn’t likely see results in a week. But I do believe in a difference in how you feel, and no one wants to feel sluggish or gross on vacation. This is a great time to start paying attention to what you eat and do.

Some of the things I try to pay attention to are how much protein I’m getting since I don’t eat meat and how many natural colors are in my diet. The goal is to eat as many colors, hopefully from fresh fruits and veggies, as possible. Also, cutting out dairy and added sugar can make a huge difference in how you feel.

Another way to feel great and energized is pretty obvious, but working out, even just a ten minute yoga series, every day, can improve your mood and energy levels.

You’ve probably heard this from every beauty guru ever, but drinking water is IMPORTANT. I’m as guilty as the next gal of drinking more coffee than water, but if you’re feeling drained and just overall gross, there’s a good chance drinking water will help.



Now is a perfect time to start paying attention to your skin so you can be a glowing god/goddess/gender nonconforming beauty on vacation! This means sticking to a consistent routine and washing your face both morning and night and any time you sweat so it isn’t sitting on your face.

Not everyone is a fan of face masks, but I love a good mask to give my skin some life and radiance. If your skin is irritated from the weather or midterms, feel free to check out my other article, “Stressed Out Skincare” for some fun tips :-)



The Day(ish) Before:


I don’t have anything on my nails most of the time, and I personally have played instruments my whole life so I keep them pretty short, but I feel the most powerful/like I have it all together when my nails are done.

Pro tip: If you’re like me and don’t have the time or money to get your nails done, you can always do them yourself and then shower and let the hot water and conditioner soften your skin so any color you got on your skin comes off super easily. This is my favorite hack. People think I’m way better at nail polish than I am.


Full Pampered Shower

Whether this just means a long, hot shower with great music or a bubble bath and good book or a grooming extravaganza to switch into the vacation mindset, do what feels right for you. I like doing a hair mask, because warm locations for me means big hair so I’ll take any steps I can to calm it down beforehand, along with a face mask to get my skin ready for a new environment and a lot of pictures.

Then I shower, shaving wherever I feel like shaving, and exfoliating if I have the proper time and supplies. Probably not exfoliating but I can dream. Some people use a self tanner after this (the at home kind not tanning booths bc that’s unsafe), I consider it every time because I love being tan but I’m deeply dedicated to sunscreen (as everyone should be!!! This is not just personal preference, it protects skin from skin cancer/damage!!) and I burn easily. I don’t actually own self tanner or have a really good place to do it since I have roommates, but the most extra version of me probably would.

I don’t actually know if you’re supposed to moisturize after fake tan but my next step is to moisturize. I’m a big fan of rosehip oil after I shave. It makes me soft and smell like flowers and feel like i’m really thriving.



I start with laying out any outfits I know I want to have and then going through every category and folding it and looking at all of it so you don’t forget anything. Then it’s super easy to put in a suitcase. Next I do shoes and accessories. Then I usually put all the skincare and makeup I want to bring off to the side so I can pack it the morning I leave after I’ve brushed my teeth and done my skincare routine.

Don’t forget to pack your backpack/purse and charge everything that needs to be charged!


Plane Outfit!

Honestly, this is my favorite part. I don’t know why. I just love plane outfits. They strike the perfect balance of cute and comfy and usually involve lots of layers and always go well with an iced coffee. I love anything that goes well with an iced coffee.

I regret it every time I wear face makeup on a plane, so I usually wear brow gel and mascara when I travel, but that’s just me. Either way, the recycled air on a plane and change in elevation can be very drying, so definitely remember to moisturize and bring some chapstick. You’ll thank me later.


That’s It!

Remember, every part of this is personal to me. None of it is specific to any gender. Anyone of any identity can want to feel healthy and energized and pretty on vacation, no matter where they’re going. These are just the things that help me. Feel free to take inspo or ignore me and make your prep process your own.


Maya Schaer

Wash U '21

Maya Schaer is a sophomore at Washington University in St. Louis from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is majoring in American Culture Studies and minoring in Writing and Design.
Wash U class of 2021; Majoring in Psychological and Brain Sciences with minors in Art History and Communication Design.