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Get Clearer Skin with HC’s Skin Tips!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Perfect, glowing skin. I don’t know about you, but the stress of final exams, packing, and getting on a plane while ironing out summer plans really takes a toll on my skin. While I do not claim to be an expert by any means, I’ve gathered the following tips to help those of us not genetically blessed with flawless complexions:

Be careful of what you eat. Fried foods, peanuts, meats, and sweets are usually bad for the skin. Dairy products may also aggravate the skin as well. Apples are great for the skin.

Hydration, hydration, hydration. Drink lots of water and keep your face moisturized, especially after washing it.

Don’t use a harsh toner every day. Reserve it for those really bad break outs, or you risk overdrying your skin and thus producing more oil. Witch hazel works well as a toner.

Use a cleanser once a day (before you go to bed) and splash plain water in the morning, alternating between cold and warm water (3 splashes per temperature).  I like using Clarisonic at night with my cleanser.

Use sunscreen every day, even when the sun isn’t out. I like SPF 15 Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer.

Try to avoid wearing too much foundation/concealer. It may be tempting to cover those pimples, but this actually makes you skin worse. If you do wear makeup, be sure to remove it all before you sleep with olive oil (less harsh to your skin than chemical makeup removers).  Then rinse and moisturize!

Shower right after you work out.

Rub cucumber slices on your face. This will have a cooling effect and reduce redness. Leave the cucumber essence on for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Sleep early and try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. 9.25 is optimal. 

Try the top of a tomato dipped in sugar as a face scrub! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKrUEtk01Js  

Do you have any skin tips to share? Comment below! 

Jessica is from Houston and is going to be a senior at The University of Texas at Austin, class of 2013. She is in the Masters in Professional Accounting (MPA) program where she will receive a bachelor and master degree in 5 years. She is currently involved in Beta Alpha Psi, an accounting and finance co-ed fraternity, as well as the Asian Business Student Association. In her spare time, she loves to dance, watch movies, shop online (especially at Banana Republic), and try out new places to eat. She also loves to watch TV shows as Modern Family and 30 Rock. She will be spending her summer in Austin taking classes and working part-time for a local lawyer.