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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

With COVID-19 restrictions being loosened in many parts of the world, I’ve gotten excited about traveling again. Here are five places I’d love to visit one day.

  1. At the top of my list is Italy. This has been my dream vacation spot for a while now—the whole country is gorgeous, from the iconic cities and monuments to the countryside and the coast. I’d love to visit Campagna, Venice, and the Amalfi Coast the most. I’m also part Italian, so I feel like I need to go at least once in my life!
  2. Next is Sedona, Arizona. My favorite song is ‘Sedona’ by Houndmouth, and ever since I heard it, I just really wanted to go. I would love to stay at the hotel they mention in the song and see the band live while I’m there.
  3. Australia! Everything in Australia is so beautiful, but I’m especially drawn to all the wildlife. It would be my first time in the southern hemisphere, and I can see myself spending it on the beaches in Melbourne, at Australia Zoo, or in a train traveling across the country!
  4. Ogunquit, Maine. This is a small beach town that would be perfect for a summer vacation with friends. It would be so fun to spend mornings trying out new cafes and bakeries, afternoons on the beach, and evenings exploring whatever else the city has to offer.
  5. Finally is Taiwan. I’ve been a few times already, but it feels like so long ago, and there’s still so much more to see. My favorite part about visiting Taiwan is just being there and getting to see family again. I love that there are always new foods to try and new people to meet!
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