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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.


It’s the question that comes to every freshman’s mind as she is met with the four cream-colored walls and thin industrial carpet that plague her first dorm room: How will I ever get this to look like anything like my room at home? Truth be told, a dorm room is never going to totally adopt the comforts of home. You can, however, still make this space comfy and chic. Here are the top six cutest, cheapest, and easiest ways to style your dorm room.

1. PICTURES. A great way to fend off homesickness is to keep bits of your friends and family with you at college. On a stressful day, the sight of your best friends face or you snuggling with your dog can make you smile and brighten your mood. Not sure where to put your favorite pics? A bulletin board or frame works great to store mementos.

2. COLOR. Dress up your sleeping space by using pillows and blankets in coordinating colors: think blues and purples, pinks and oranges, or yellows and greens. Too mainstream for you? Embrace random prints and designs, like patterned pillows and brightly colored blankets.

3. PERSONALIZE. Set out items that showcase your personality! You know those random knick-knacks and treasures that you just couldn’t bear to leave at home? Don’t keep them hidden in your drawers. Instead, proudly display them on your desk and shelves! That vintage Ken doll or psychedelic lava lamp will be a great conversation piece the next time you have friends over.

4. LIGHT. Sunshine makes us happy: it’s a fact. So let some in! Open your blinds and give your windows both personality and seasonal flair with colorful gel cling-ons! Also, you might consider window treatments. Adding curtains can give your room an extra punch of color and keep the sunlight out for those Sundays you want to sleep in.

5. NOTES. Both to self and to others! A dry erase board is a great place to write inspirational messages for you and your roomies, or for visitors to leave notes.

6. MAKEOVER. There’s no a reason to settle if you’re unhappy in or bored by your current space. If your room is feeling like it could use a makeover, take a trip with your friends. Hop on the Metro and go shopping at Target, Bed Bath, or World Market. A colorful floor rug, lamp, or chair can easily brighten up any space.