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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

“I’m Chuck Bass”

What a classic.

“Just so you know, there are a few things that I consider sacred. The back of a limo is one of them.”

I wish I had been in the back of a limo enough times to consider it sacred.

“I can’t believe I bought you that World’s Best Dad coffee mug.”


“I only wanted you to be happy. I’m just sorry it couldn’t be with me.”

Remember when Chuck was selfless that one time…yeah me too

“Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not powerful. You’re the most powerful woman I know.”

When he supported female empowerment

“Something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone worthy of its beauty.”

I mean seriously how cute is that.



By Anonymous


Wash U class of 2021; Majoring in Psychological and Brain Sciences with minors in Art History and Communication Design.