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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

It’s probably safe to say that we all dabbled in some crafting this past year. As the days stretched into weeks, it became hard to do much else. After all, there were only so many puzzles available and it wasn’t long before all baking recipes were exhausted. What I didn’t expect, however, was for my crafting interest to follow me into my freshman year.

Crafting has been a great way for me and my friends to relax. When the week becomes overwhelming we turn to art. Making jewelry, doodling pictures and letters, learning origami, and crocheting have been great outlets. Baking, puzzles, cards, and board games – of course – are also great options.

If there’s ever a time where you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you can’t bear the thought of going on another walk, crafting is a great way to relax! They also allow for a safe, socially distanced activity that can be done both inside and outside.

Freshman at WashU interested in English and Business.
We are WashU's Her Campus site designed for collegiettes here on campus.