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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

If you’re like me, the spring semester seems to drag on. It’s cold and gray, and it seems like forever before our first break. The fall semester is filled with the excitement of seeing friends after a summer away, Halloween, and the sight of the Gingko trees turning yellow. However, as we near the halfway mark of the spring semester, I’ve come to appreciate a few things. 

  1. The weather is getting warmer. There’s nothing worse than trudging to class in the snow or rain, but you can hold on knowing that by April, the flowers will bloom, the grass will be green again, and the sun will set much later. Unlike fall semester, where the cold starts to hit hard that last month, the weather is something you can look forward to now. 
  1. You know how to handle those year-long classes. Whether it’s organic chemistry or physics, there’s nothing more unsatisfying than finishing a semester and realizing you still have a whole semester to go still. In the spring, you’ve already completed half the sequence, and you’re so close to finishing. It’s also likely you already know how the class works, so there’s less time spent figuring out the best study methods, and the exams should be less stressful because you know what to expect. 
  1. Spring break! Personally, I’m still a fan of two shorter breaks, but having a week-long break does have its benefits. If you want to go on vacation with friends, now’s the time. It also helps that you only get that post-break slump once, rather than twice, in the semester. 
  1. There’s less of an adjustment period. Whether you’re living somewhere new in the fall or dealing with a new job, it can seem like there’s a lot to figure out. The good news is that by the spring semester, you’ve already adjusted to the new schedule and responsibilities. While this takes away from the excitement factor, it means lower stress and a healthier routine. 
  1. Summer is coming! It could be your new internship or summer study abroad program, or even just the thought of not having classes for a glorious three months. When all else fails, the thought of summer always gets me through the spring semester. Exciting things are coming, and you’re almost there!