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8 Things Every Freshman Girl Should Know (But No One Tells You…)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

1. Don’t wear a backpack with a sundress.
Sure, you might be wearing shorts underneath like a kindergartener, but the people walking behind you don’t know that. So save them some stress (“Her dress is riding up… Should I say something? I should really say something. Is that weird?”) and use a bookbag instead. They’re cuter anyway.

2. Einstein’s has the best coffee.
People say Whisper’s has the best coffee. While everyone’s entitled to his or her own opinion, I beg to differ. So next time you stumble upon a magical bagel wonderland in that maze we call the Olin Business School, grab a cup of vanilla hazelnut roast and enjoy. The best part? Free refills. Rumor has it there’s even a Twitter handle in the works dedicated to deals and specials! So keep an eye out for that – who doesn’t love bagels on bagels on bagels?

3. You don’t have to be best friends with you roommate (but it’s always nice).
Do you and your roommate get along? Great. Not quite ready to get matching BFF necklaces? That’s okay. The freshman roommate relationship is unique – you only have one, after all. But don’t force anything – it’s normal to have different friend groups and interests. If you spend every waking (and sleeping) moment together you’ll drive each other crazy.

4. Wash U is smaller than you think.
You’ve met so many people these past few weeks that you can barely keep names straight. The familiar face to stranger ratio feels like 1:100, and that’s totally normal. But as the year goes on you’ll get to know a ton of people and those people introduce you to a ton MORE people. And you’ll find yourself ranting about that obnoxious girl in your Spanish class to…her roommate. Oops. Did I say obnoxious? I meant beautiful! She’s great. Really. Can’t wait to spend hours working with her on that group project!
My point? Watch what you say. You never know who you’re talking to. And while you’re at it, watch what you do. That random makeout at Heaven and Hell this weekend might end up being your peer editor in Writing I next semester.

5. Frat parties won’t always be so exciting.
Are you ready for your first registered party?!! I was too. And it didn’t disappoint – I stayed for a solid three hours, danced the whole time, and rubbed elbows with probably every freshman I knew. I expected every party I went to last year would be just as exciting, and I was bummed that they weren’t. My advice? Go into every evening with relatively low expectations and you’ll be pleasantly surprised, not disappointed (“They don’t give out free halos and horns at every party?! This sucks!”)

6. Say hi to people you’ve met at parties.
So you met someone dorm-hopping last Saturday. You did the whole “Where are you from? What dorm are you in? I think you’re in my calc class!” routine and agreed you should totally sit together on Monday! But when you see them the next morning at brunch, neither of you say anything. Congratulations! You both just made it weird. We tend to think that just because we met someone after a few drinks, they won’t remember us the next day…Not true. If you remember them, chances are they remember you, too. So say hi – you might just make a new friend. Or at least a calc buddy.

7. You will never be productive in Whispers. Ever.
Unless you’re majoring in flirting and people-watching, your best studying will be done elsewhere.

8. The yogurt parfaits aren’t as healthy as you think.
What a nutritious snack! No. Put it down. It has 35 grams of sugar. Maybe you should have a smoothie instead? Nope. 72 grams of sugar. Grab an apple and thank me later.

Rosa Heyman is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis studying Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Writing. She has worked as an editorial intern at Black Book Magazine in NYC and St. Louis Magazine, and for the web editor at Redbook Magazine in NYC. A Rhode Island native, Rosa likes reading, writing, Kate Moss, The New York Times' Modern Love columns, Paolo Pellegrin photography, and roller coasters.