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7 Things to Do With Your Best Friend: St. Louis Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.


From shopping to library dates, you and your best friend do everything together (while you’re not in class that is). While sharing meals and getting ridiculous amounts of froyo samples is fun and all, you and your partner in crime want to spice things up a bit. Here are seven things you and your BFF must do together, some of which are specifically in St. Louis. Some of these activities may seem odd or unexpected, but trust me- they’re on this list for a reason.

  1. Share a chocolate chip cookie (or 2) from Winslow’s Home My best friend and I both had our first Winslow’s chocolate chip cookie together, and I gotta say, it was a magical experience. The guy working the register was awesome and gave us a second cookie for free, so that made it even better. Basically, we sat in my car and split this cookie in half, then ate it and screamed for maybe five minutes. Yeah, they’re that good. While you may have already tried a Winslow’s cookie (ok, you probably have), you should still share one (or more) with your best friend. Sharing in the joy of the best chocolate chip cookie in America will only strengthen your bond.
  2. Go to a ridiculously late breakfast at First Watch Ok, it was really difficult for me to give away this secret, but First Watch is probably the only breakfast place in the Clayton area that isn’t packed on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Not to mention, it’s inexpensive and they give you big pots of coffee right at the table. It’s a chain, so you may not consider its cuisine quite as “trendy” as Half and Half or Companion, but it does the job and it’s consistently good with fast service, even though you and your bestie are obviously going to end up sitting there for two hours talking about your night.
  3. Go grocery shopping for at least an hour and a half- Never have I ever had so much fun going to the grocery store as when I go with my best friend. We fill our cart with things we don’t need and have actually been told by a woman that we were having “too much fun.” We continued to spend the next 20 minutes talking to that same woman about how her daughter pranks her by putting miscellaneous items (e.g. pig feet) in her cart while she’s not looking. What I’m trying to say is, you can get your necessary food shopping done while meeting some new friends! Schnucks is best for meeting people, but storewide samples at Whole Foods every Friday are equally as good.
  4. Watch TV or a movie and cuddle- This may seem standard, but think about the last time you snuggled with your best friend in bed and watched a good movie or show. If it has been longer than a month, you’re missing out. I’m a big fan of comedies, so Tommy Boy, Hot Rod, or Stepbrothers (unfortunately not on Netflix) are all great options. Maybe do a throwback with some Rugrats, who knows.
  5. Sit in your car (or room) and jam out by yourselves- A car is ideal because you’re isolated with surround sound and can look like the biggest losers ever in your own private space, but a room works too. Blast the music and seriously just go crazy. Jam out and just think about nothing else. This isn’t just a great activity for best friends, but just for anyone who needs a release. It’s just exceptionally fun when it’s with your other half.
  6. Paint your nails- It’s old school and stereotypical, but it’s a great chance to just talk about life while actually being [semi] productive. Ok maybe not productive, but you’re getting something done, right?
  7. Picnic in Forest Park- It may seem a little romantic, but on a beautiful day, who doesn’t want to go for a stroll through Forest Park, ending with a delicious snack basket? That’s right, everyone wants to do that. Spring is here and the sun has finally started to come out. Get together some of your favorite treats, throw them in a bag (or a basket if you’re super official), and head out to the park for a chance to catch up and tan over some munchies. 
Sydney Davis is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis majoring in Film & Media Studies and minoring in Writing. She loves running, exploring new cities, fashion, boating, and most importantly, Whole Foods.