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5 Ways to Cope with Remote Learning

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Online learning is a new obstacle that almost all students are facing this semester. However, not having the responsibility of in-person classes doesn’t mean you aren’t still responsible for getting your work done efficiently and effectively. Here are 5 ways to cope with the challenges of remote learning, and prepare for an unusual semester.

1. Take some time for yourself.

Even if you’re feeling overwhelmed with work, don’t punish yourself by staying glued to your computer all day. Feel free to pause for an hour or two just to lay down and listen to music, or grab a meal with a friend.

2. Get outside.

Feel free to go on a walk or run, or even just find a nice place on campus to take your online classes. Being outside, especially in the beautiful fall weather, will help you feel less confined and claustrophobic than being in your dorm room. The fresh air is relaxing too, and it’s an opportunity to appreciate WashU’s stunning campus.

3. Decorate your dorm room.

Considering the amount of time you will be spending in your room, make sure it looks and feels the way you want it to. Print out pictures of friends and family that make you feel happy and inspired, or maybe add some LED lights to brighten up your workspace.

4. Stay organized.

In most classes, professors prefer that you keep your camera on, which can be a challenge if you forget necessary items for class and need to get up to grab them. On weeknights, make sure your desk is neat and organized, and keep a planner that will remind you of the items (notebooks, calculators, etc.) you will need for class the next day.

5. Get a good night’s sleep.

Especially the night before an early class, make sure you are well-rested and ready to engage in the morning. Taking classes in your own room already makes it more difficult to stay alert, and with the monotony of online classes, a lack of sleep is a recipe for disaster.

I hope these tips relieve some Zoom stress!

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