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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Despite always wanting to sleep more, college students are also very good at not wanting to get our work done, aka procrastinating. So, here’s a list of ways to procrastinate writing that essay due at midnight. 


1. Buzzfeed

From its endless quizzes to articles that all seem to resonate and recommended articles you also want to read, you could be on BuzzFeed for hours. 


2. Netflix

I mean, does it even need an explanation? Millions of TV shows and movies…endless procrastination potential.


3. Food

Food is an integral part of all our lives, and everyone loves food. Plus, it will give you fuel to finish your work should you decide to return.


4. Drink Water

Have you ever heard someone say “I drank enough water today”? Yeah, me neither.


5. Sleep

If you’re procrastinating, chances are you have work to do and will have to stay up late to get it done. Might as well sleep so that once you do decide to get your work done, you have the energy to do so, and you won’t be sleep-deprived the next day.


6. Clean

This may be a weird one, but I need my space clean to be efficient. I haven’t quite achieved this yet, but it is looking better every day.


7. Instagram

If you’re like me, scrolling through your Instagram feed and stories is endless. You will never reach the end. Just make sure when you’re stalking your ex’s, friend’s aunt’s, sister’s, daughter that you don’t like a post from 2016. 


8. Youtube

It’s happened to all of us. You start by watching a video of dogs surfing, and before you know it, you’re watching a video of someone’s dramatic story about almost getting kidnapped while they were traveling in Mexico. 


9. Call/Facetime a Family Member

Whenever I do not want to do work but do not want to actively procrastinate, I’ll call a family member. That way I can make the excuse that I’m actually doing something that matters versus wasting my time.


10. Work Out

Not only does working out give you a boost of energy, but it will help you focus on your work. 


11. Do Laundry

I never thought getting laundry done in college would be so hard, and technically you’re still being productive without doing any actual school work.


12. Write Down a List of Everything You Need To Do

…then do absolutely nothing with it.


Whether you decide to do any of these and return to your work is up to you, but I hope you enjoy your time procrastinating. 

MacKenzie Larkin is a freshman at WashU. She loves exploring new places and intends to study environmental engineering.
Wash U class of 2021; Majoring in Psychological and Brain Sciences with minors in Art History and Communication Design.