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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Wow, it’s already the end of your first semester of college, and finals are about to begin. We all basically have three goals during exam week: 1) Do well on exams 2) Sleep and 3) Try not to get too stressed because that prevents you from doing all of the above! Here are ten things you can do to help you get through your first finals.


1. Make a Daily Schedule

Whether on paper or in your phone, schedule your activities every day leading up to your exams. Don’t forget to build in study breaks, workouts, sleeping, eating, and other necessary activities. 


2. Find Your Study Space

Obviously, you’re about to grind for at least a few days, so find a space that is really conducive for your studying. If you’re someone who works better with background noise, maybe try BD or one of the lower library levels. If you’re someone who needs peace and quiet, try the upper library levels. My advice: not your dorm, too much familiarity and too easy to get distracted.


3. Workout

Exercising helps release endorphins, the happy hormones. It also helps to reduce stress, letting off nervous energy, so you can regain focus. If you notice you’re not being efficient, try getting on the treadmill or elliptical for 15 minutes. If you can exercise for 15 minutes, often that turns into a longer workout.


4. Take Study Breaks

Taking breaks is just as important as studying itself! If you’re studying for a long period of time nonstop, eventually you will lose concentration and won’t retain the info. Taking a break allows what you’re studying to sink into your head and you will be more efficient.


5. Eat Healthy Food

Food is fuel. I know that half and half sounds amazing after five straight hours of studying, but try to have veggies with every meal. The nutrients will provide your body with lasting energy to fuel your studying. 


6. Listen to Music

I don’t know about you, but I find music to be a stress reliever. You can also find studying playlists with music to help you focus. Or, if listening to hard rock is your thing, jam out to that!


7. Take Deep Breaths

When I’m feeling extra stressed, I take a step back from whatever I’m working on and take a few deep breaths. Square breathing is also another technique, which is basically inhaling, holding, exhaling, and resting all for the same amount of time (usually 3-5 seconds).  Headspace has some great short meditations which are re-energizing.


8. Reward Yourself

Yeah, I know we’re all scared of the freshman 15, but reward yourself for a really good study session, or getting a really hard problem right. And it doesn’t have to be food, maybe it’s going off-campus for dinner, or watching an episode of your favorite TV show.


9. Laugh! 

Take some time to laugh with your friends, roommate, or a funny Youtube video.  Sometimes a good laugh puts the absurdity of finals in good perspective.



I’m not going to tell you to get nine hours every night because that’s just unrealistic, but aim for 6-8. Not only is your concentration better, but sleep gives your brain a rest and allows your brain to do the work of making the connections between everything your studying. Although you will have less time to study, your study time will be more efficient. 


Good luck on finals!! You’re going to do great!

MacKenzie Larkin is a freshman at WashU. She loves exploring new places and intends to study environmental engineering.
Wash U class of 2021; Majoring in Psychological and Brain Sciences with minors in Art History and Communication Design.