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Presentations – どうすればいい?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waseda chapter.

How to deal with dreadful and unsettlingly important presentations

Being a collegiette can be tough sometimes, particularly when you’re trapped by seemingly never ending exams, essays and deadlines, coupled with the social obligations and events that college and life in general entails. One other obstacle that a good many students face, is the fear of having graded presentations in class. In fact, the fear of public speaking surpasses the fear of death to be the one of the top phobias people have in the world. And let’s be real, that’s completely understandable. Who doesn’t get butterflies in their stomachs when standing in front of people, sometimes a full class of 100 or 200?  It can be so nerve wrecking that just thinking about it makes you end up looking something like this…

Well, fear not (or at least attempt to fear less), we’ve compiled some tips on how you can remain calm and confident while standing in front of all your peers while snagging some awesome grades in the meantime!

Prepare like you’re going to battle

Because you kinda are. This may seem like a no-brainer but it’s can not be repeated enough! The secret to all successful presentations is thorough preparation and enough research about the topic that you’re gonna be talking about. Not only will you feel more confident and less nervous about your big speech with more knowledge pertinent to the subject, but it also helps to prepare you for possible questions that might pop up during Q-n-A sessions that follows your (kickass) presentation. In addition, your professor will surely credit you with better grades when he sees how much effort you put into perfecting your presentation. There’s literally nothing more important that ample preparation. It’s the only surefire way to make you feel like this…

#CuteJonSnow (This isn’t relevant but hey, we can’t resist some Game of Thrones references, we’re cool that way.)

Practice makes perfect

It is generally acceptable to carry prepared notes when it comes to dates, figures and numbers, and a general outline of what you’re going to touch on. However the rest of the speech should be completely stored inside your head. Go through your notes/what you’re gonna say multiple times, and mentally simulate what it will be like having the presentation. Also try to meet up with a fellow collegiette (or a campus cutie you have your eye on, it’s a totally legitimate reason for a date…), have her/him listen to you speak. You will feel better prepared and whoever’s listening to you can give you advice on how you can improve your speech. It’ll also probably make you realize that you’re not the only one who is a nervous wreck about presentations; whoever’s listening probably needs your help to improve their presentations too! Encourage one another and make one another better! After all, it does feel great to have someone else validate your efforts!

(See, Phil Dunphy’s already validating your effort in reading our article!)

Breathe, just breathe~

Alright, so the big moment is right around the corner. What do you do? You breathe. Right before the professor calls up your name, go through breathing exercises. Trust us, it’ll calm you down both physically and mentally and it’ll even help you to talk slower and steadier, instead of slipping into that hyperspeed rambling you do when you’re nervous. Speaking at an appropriate speed with great clarity will improve the quality of your presentation, and it’ll ensure that the professor truly registers the important information you have carefully put together in your presentation to secure the grades you deserve. In conclusion, remember to breathe!


Once it’s over…

Feel good about yourself once it is done! You’ve most likely done a great job after having prepared so thoroughly for it and you deserve a good break after overcoming a big presentation. Give yourself a pat on your shoulder! Even if you didn’t do well, transform your disappointment and frustration into motivation for doing even better next time. After all, practice does make perfect and after a while, you’ll definitely improve!

Follow the lead from Queen Bey (who’s just about everyone’s spirit celebrity) and just let yourself bask in the happiness of success!

Final advice…

Your fellow students are probably just as nervous as you are, and they aren’t probably even paying as much attention to you as you would think. So worrying about what they think of you and your performance is not only pointless, it’ll also make you feel more insecure about yourself. Nobody is harder on you than yourself, and your peers will probably not even notice you are nervous. Lastly, if you dress well, you will feel well. Wear something neat, presentable and comfortable. Something that makes you feel good about yourself. Having nicely-applied makeup also does wonders for most girls’ confidence and perhaps you’ll benefit from it as well! Now, with all the advice we’ve given you, go forth and charm the damn crowd!