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A chat with Daniel Blumenreich

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waseda chapter.

Daniel Blumenreich

School of International Liberal Studies

I found this week’s campus cutie reading Her Campus Waseda before class! A Her Campus Waseda enthusiast? What more could you want?!

Where are you from?

Los Angeles, California.


Record collecting, crate digging, tattooing, cycling, and looking at dog memes. 

-Dylan chimes in-

Apparently he’s the biggest bike otaku in Japan. 



“Water under the bridge”

What kind of people would you swipe right for? 

Freaks and aliens.

Who’s your idol?

Cjell Monē.

What’s your favorite color? 


Or black. 

Or purple. I like looking at purple.

Favorite actor? 

Brad Pitt.

Favorite movie? 

Leon the Professional, Jackie Brown, Harakiri, Menace to Society, and Hanabi


Cycling and baseball.

Weirdest thing you’ve ever tasted? 

Chicken sashimi which is raw chicken. 

What are your plans for tomorrow?

I don’t know.