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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Is Steve Lacy becoming the Next Kanye West on his Gemini Rights Tour??

Steve Lacy is an up-and-coming singer/songwriter who is currently on tour. He has
produced many well-known songs throughout the years, although he gained most of his
popularity after dropping his newest album, “Gemini Rights”. Personally, I have loved Steve
Lacy since early 2018 and have always found his music very unique. So OF COURSE I jumped
at the opportunity to go to one of his concerts. Despite my initial thoughts that this would be one of the best concerts I had ever been to, I was very wrong. Before going into the details of the concert, I would like to explain how much this
concert meant to me prior. Before moving to college, my hometown friends and I bought tickets to go see Steve Lacy, as we all love both going to concerts and his music, and it would be a great opportunity to see each other once we had all parted ways to college. Once I moved to Wake, I met some other friends who were also going to Steve’s concert, so the concert became even more important to me. It was the first time that my hometown friends would meet my college friends! DESPITE all of my excitement, the concert was total CHAOS! People had been waiting in line for eight hours by the time my friends and I arrived. Besides the terribly long line, the management was awful and extremely understaffed. Once we went into the venue, the concert room was immediately packed tight with people. When the opening act began, chaos unfolded.
People began to mosh the audience and were shoving so hard that people were falling down. My friends and I received the worst of it, since we were against the barricade and most people pushed towards the front. As people were falling down, others passed out, and several had panic attacks and security had to escort them out. The opening performer had to ask people to move back TWICE and Steve Lacy asked people to move back THREE times! Eventually, security began to forcefully push people back as it was becoming extremely chaotic. Several times throughout the concert, I felt close to passing out from the heat and overwhelming atmosphere, but I was luckily always able to calm myself down.
Because I was truly upset by the way the concert was held, I began to look into his other
concerts and, unfortunately, found them all to be very similar, if not worse. Most recently, a fan threw a disposable camera at Steve Lacy which he then took it and slammed it into the ground, breaking it. After breaking the camera, he stormed off stage mid performance and refused to come back out. At a different concert he ask a fan to “Shut the f**k up” after they asked him to say hello to someone on FaceTime. Clearly, Steve Lacy is becoming too arrogant and it is truly creating a disconnect between him and his fans. Social media sites are beginning to trend sentiments such as “Steve Lacy should just cancel his tour at this point”, “Steve Lacy hates his fans”, and “Steve Lacy is the first person to get a number one song and hate his songs”. Hopefully he doesn’t spiral out of control with this new influx of fame, but we will just have to see. In the end, I would say that out of the six concerts I have been to, Steve Lacy’s Gemini Rights tour is the worst concert I have ever been to, and I hope to see a change in future concerts.
For now, I am super cautious of Steve Lacy and will be watching his future actions.

Alyssa Sarif

Wake Forest '26

Hi! My name is Alyssa Sarif and I am currently a freshman at Wake Forest University. Although I am still undecided, I plan to major in Biology and minor in Studio Art. I LOVE concerts, dogs, the color green, and any basic rom com. I am so excited to share some of my favorite ideas in different articles. Go DEACS!