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Whimsical, Heart-Warming, and Welcoming: The Sweetest Addition to Reynolda Village

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Enchanted by the uplifting shades of green and radiant sunlight pouring seamlessly between the thicket of trees lining the path, I exited the Reynolda trail and entered Reynolda Village to soon be greeted by the precious storefront of Dough-Joe’s.


Whimsical, welcoming, and comforting. On opening day, I was greeted by classic, yet comfy furniture on my right and circular wooden tables and chairs to the left of the entrance. Chalkboards with white lettering list their tasty commodities: Coffee, doughnuts, and cookies. Hence, the clever name “Dough-Joe’s.” Every one behind the counter was cheerful and friendly in the midst of their constant, hard work of serving each customer so well.



The interior is reminiscent of an antique dream, complete with the perfect splash of 21st century minimalism. The aged paintings and pictures complete with warm gold and brass frames adorn the soft, gray walls in effortless conjunction with the clean, white window frames and exposed Edison bulbs. Plenty of outlets lay parallel to the floor near the baseboard. They certainly know their audience of college students and young adults, riddled with work on computers, inevitable to run of battery. The seating proves functional and adequate, as there is a family style table for large groups or sharing, as well individual seating at the bar and smaller tables. The combination of a homey and cozy, yet fresh and light atmosphere create a cadence of peace and light throughout the shop. 



Better yet, this mellow and euphonious space also encourages something that seems to be lacking in a world full of overwhelming to-dos and busy schedules. Dough-Joe’s encourages folks who want a good conversation over good coffee to do so! To take time off of the hamster wheel we all seem to constantly run on and sit in the company of a loved one– a rarity these days that shouldn’t be so rare!



Dough Joe’s doesn’t reflect the other “new century,” hyper-minimalistic “hip” coffee shops, I’ve seen pop up within the last five years. Though, I certainly enjoy places with these qualities. In fact, that’s how I would describe some of my favorite local coffee shops back home, but I love how Dough-Joe’s contains eclectic elements. The wood throughout the shop is not consistent, nor are the chairs. Plants, lamps, and books alike are effortlessly juxtaposed along the window sill, creating a sense of wonder and satisfaction.



I’d like to say I’m a coffee connoisseur…self-proclaimed, that is. I’ve developed a taste for different blends of coffee and how they’re distinguished with and without different creamers. Over the years, I have particularly loved trying lattes at every coffee shop I encounter. On this particular afternoon, I was treated to a cinnamon sugar doughnut and a vanilla latte. My expectations were exceeded! It was genuinely one of the best vanilla lattes I’ve ever tasted. It wasn’t too sweet and the milk to cloudlike foam to espresso ratio was perfectly stable. A truly dreamy cup of Joe! I am not really much of a ‘doughnut person’ but I absolutely loved this made-to-order doughnut. It was the perfect warm, fluffy, and sweet treat to pair with my latte.



Between the homeyness of the carefully selected color scheme which rhymes perfectly with the overall homey and historic feel of Reynolda Village, Dough-Joe’s is the perfect place to meet a friend or finish that looming task you’ve been putting off over a great cup of coffee. 


Cheers and best of luck to a new favorite!


Color Palettes: Courtesy of MagnetStreet.com

Coffee and Doughnuts: Courtesy of doughjoesnc.com

All other photos: Courtesy of Megan Waterston


Megan Waterston

Wake Forest '23

Megan Waterston is a freshman at Wake Forest University. She loves exploring Winston-Salem, writing, and spending time with friends and family.
Claire Fletcher

Wake Forest '20

Mathematical Business Major at Wake Forest University