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What’s on your Wake Forest bucket list?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

The “Wake Forest bubble” is a term you’ve heard again and again, whether regarding our gated-in campus or well-circulated gossip mill. And it’s true – it is so easy to get caught up in the daily routine on campus: wake up, rinse, Pit, class, ZSR, Pit, ZSR, repeat. So how can you liven up the WFU experience? Make a Wake Forest bucket list: a list of things you have never done; a list of things you usually would not have the opportunity do; and a list of things you must do before graduation. If you need some fresh ideas, here are a few to start you off:

  1. Find the tunnels. Most of you have probably seen the trash tunnel that connects Babcock to Luter, but it may be a surprise to you that there are tunnels that run underneath the entire campus. Figure out where they start and plan an adventure – but enter at your own risk.
  2. Make a profit off Wake Forest. Everyone is guilty of complaining about the cost of this school, but take a month (or a semester) and dedicate it to getting all the “free-bees” that Wake has to offer, including eating free food at receptions, stopping by Wake the Library, racking up on prizes and photos at aWAKE all night, attending the carnivals for free rides, entering to win all the contests in The Pit, and the list goes on…if it doesn’t cost you a dime, take advantage of it!
  3. Go to Pilot Mountain. It’s about 30 minutes away, but the hike is easy and the view is absolutely beautiful. So take a break from the stress of Wake and enjoy a day of crisp, fresh air in the North Carolina hills.
  4. Rollerblade on Campus. You might laugh when you see people whizzing by on rollerblades, but you should try it out. It gives a new perspective to campus and you have to think about it in a whole new way. Your biggest challenge? How to avoid stairs at all costs.
  5. Climb something. Whether it’s the Bell Tower of ZSR, the Water Tower, the steeple of Wait Chapel, or just the climbing wall at the gym, get your feet off the ground. It, too, might give you a view of campus like you have never seen before.
  6. Drink in Shorty’s. For this one you obviously have to be 21, but as soon as you are of legal drinking age, hit up Shorty’s and charge a few beers to your parents via Deacon Dollars. As soon as you graduate, “fake” money doesn’t exist anymore, so take advantage of it while you’re here.
  7. Spend a night in the ZSR. Unfortunately, most of us have spent too many nights frantically finishing papers in the library. But, if you are a motivated, non-procrastinator, make sure you pull one all-nighter in the library before you graduate; it’s just part of the college experience.

So, whether your days left at Wake Forest are numbered or you have a solid three years ahead of you, make yourself a Wake Forest bucket list and stick to it. Throw in your own ideas – are you brave enough to streak the Quad? Or what about learning every Pit worker’s name? Whatever it may be, make it happen. When you look back on your college career, you won’t regret what you did, just what you didn’t do. So, grab a pen and make your list. These are the best four years of your life, so make them worth it.

Comment below to let us know what is on your Wake Forest bucket list.

Kelsey Garvey is a junior English major at Wake Forest University. Her upbringing in Connecticut, otherwise known as country club land, inspired her to write in order to escape and locate something more. Writing has also acted as her outlet to dabble in subjects far beyond her my intellectual capacity: art, culture, design, fashion, photography, and music. Other than reading Vogue and Vanity Fair cover-to-cover, Kelsey enjoys frequenting the blogosphere, speaking franglais in daily conversation, and laughing at her own pathetic jokes. Feel free to email her with any questions or comments.