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Ways to Up Your At-Home Coffee Game

Updated Published
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

I recently discovered how to make cold foam at home, which has totally upped my coffee-making game. Don’t get me wrong, I love going out to get coffee and finding unique atmospheres to do my school work in, especially at local shops. However, sitting down with a coffee that I made and enjoying the satisfaction of saving a few dollars is a good feeling in and of itself. So, here are a few of my recommendations to spice up your coffee setup at home.

1. Cold Foam

Let’s begin where my inspiration to write this article even started. The main item you need to make cold foam is a milk frother. This includes a handheld or machine milk frother, or even a blender. You are going to combine milk or half and half with heavy whipping cream, and then any sort of flavoring. Vanilla is a classic, but this is a really fun place to experiment and add some pizzazz to your coffee!

2. Flavored Syrups

One of my favorite parts of going to a coffee shop is all of their fun flavors. To start building your at home coffee repertoire, flavoring syrup is essential. I would recommend purchasing a big container of your go-to flavor, and then smaller bottles of ones you want to try. Torani is a great brand you’ll find in many coffee shops, and they sell lots of different combinations of miniature-sized syrups (I am tempted to buy all of them). 

3. Brewing Espresso

Many of your favorite coffee beverages are made with espresso, including lattes, macchiatos, and cappuccinos. While a Nepresso coffee machine is known for its ability to brew espresso, many companies have released espresso pods for Keurigs as well. In general, I just feel way cooler when I say I’ve made myself a latte. 

4. Mugs, Cups, and Straws

Maybe it’s just some sort of placebo effect, but anything tastes better when it’s in a cute mug. As someone who is known to drink a lot of coffee, my friends frequently gift me with mugs. This has led to me having a collection that represents my interests and always makes me smile. If you are looking to start your own collection, find a mug that gives you that little boost of happiness in the morning. Additionally, if you are an iced coffee fan like myself, metal straws are a must. They are perfect not only for drinking your coffee, but also for stirring up your new creations.

5. Making Coffee for Others

Once you polish up your skills, invite others over and make them some coffee. Especially in the midst of busy college days, this is a great way to build some time into your schedule for your friends and spread some kindness in the form of caffeine.

Kenley McClure

Wake Forest '27

Hi! My name is Kenley McClure and I am a freshman at Wake Forest University. I am from Charlotte, North Carolina also known as the Queen City. Most of the time, you can find me making or buying coffee, expanding my earring collection, dancing, or taking pictures with a disposable camera!