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Wake Forest Freshmen Go Greek!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

This past Sunday, January 9th, was a monumental day for many female freshmen who decided to go Greek.  After a grueling 4-day recruitment process, the young women joined forces with one of the eight sororites on campus, first taking photos in their new letters and later engaging in a bid day activity with their new sisters.  Take a look at photos from the eight different bid days around campus!

Kelsey Garvey is a junior English major at Wake Forest University. Her upbringing in Connecticut, otherwise known as country club land, inspired her to write in order to escape and locate something more. Writing has also acted as her outlet to dabble in subjects far beyond her my intellectual capacity: art, culture, design, fashion, photography, and music. Other than reading Vogue and Vanity Fair cover-to-cover, Kelsey enjoys frequenting the blogosphere, speaking franglais in daily conversation, and laughing at her own pathetic jokes. Feel free to email her with any questions or comments.