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Wake 101: Study Space Solace

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


As we fly into Fall at the Forest, sustaining the will to work and staying productive after midterms can become borderline impossible. Let’s be honest, our single desire this season is to cuddle up in our new fuzzy sweaters and wool socks with a tall hot chocolate in hand.

But alas, those irksome school books still remain on your desk and the constant emails begin to pile up in your inbox. Both are frustrating reminders of the work you should be accomplishing. Work Forest does not stop being Work Forest the instant we get “Fall Fever.” Much like spring-cleaning, my advice to you is to do away with your old drab study spots and find new spots to complement the transition of season.

It’s time to mix up your study spaces to add that refreshing Fall flare to your lifestyle, in the hopes that these changes will keep you happily in tune with your studies. Below, I have provided the spots I think y’all, my readers, will enjoy and, more importantly, the spots that will keep you productive until Thanksgiving (because, really, after that we’re all home free)!

Cozy up in Campus Grounds

We all know a cubicle on the 6th floor of the library can become a depressing place after multiple hours. Therefore, I urge you to scamper from the library and into a shop that makes you forget how hard your study material is. With comfy couches galore and a quirky comforting atmosphere, Campus Grounds is definitely a must to try for students weary of the library life.

                                                                                                       *Image from the Old Gold & Black

Spots with Sunlight

We all need our Vitamin D – so why not throw own your fuzzy socks and a scarf and find a sweet spot in the sun. The sunshine shining down on you is sure to empower you to stay focused and positive while studying. According to US News and World Report, our “happy” hormone serotonin actually increases when you are outside.  As a result, if you study in the sunshine, it has been proven that your mood and outlook on life will improve – along with your study habits.

                                                                                                         *Image from CollegeMagazine.com 

2nd Level of Starbucks

Slide into a comfy chair and sip your stress away while calmly getting work done with Starbucks’ soothing tunes. Enjoy the gently lit room as a sweet new alternative to the glaring fluorescents found in the library.

Business School Solace

This is a great new study space option, especially in terms of proximity if you live in new dorms or Poteat Hall. If absolute silence becomes more harmful than helpful for you this season, check out this new space filled with Wake students and furnished with new, modern accommodations. Not to mention, this lively lobby is perfectly designed for group work. You can also work solo and stay motivated and comforted by all your fellow Wake students working just as hard all around you.

                                                                                                              *Image from Wakeforest.tumblr.com

These are just a few of the many wonderful study spots Wake has to offer, so find a new comfort zone, get your study mojo back, and take this Fall season by storm! 

Go Deacs! :)
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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.