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Wake 101: Bad Grade Blues, How to Make the Comeback

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


So, you studied your heart out for that first Spanish test and you didn’t get a stellar grade back. Have no fear, collegiettes! This is absolutely normal.

Welcome to Wake Forest, ladies and gentleman. You were admitted into a highly competitive university which was recently ranked 23rd in the nation by US News & World Report this year. Every student here has felt your same disappointment and frustration, so take comfort in the fact you’re not alone. It’s time to breathe, shake it off, and get back in the game.

The number one thing to do immediately after receiving a bad test grade is to set up an appointment to discuss the test with your professor. Be honest with your feelings and make it clear to him/her how determined you are to bounce back. You will feel as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders upon leaving your professor’s office. With a plan of action you should feel ready to attack the next graded assignment.

It is also very important to remember that it is only one grade. One bad test grade does not define who you are and it certainly does not mean you are a bad student. You are still you. Keep in mind all that you have accomplished up to this point. A good stress reliever is to write yourself a pep talk emphasizing your accomplishments as well as naming off all your supporters. You can refer back to it whenever you start to feel defeated or frustrated.

However, if you know you still cannot hold back the tears, sometimes that cathartic release is needed. It’s good to have a healthy cry to get over your disappointment and to move on to motivation. Call your best friend or a favorite family member and talk it out. Talking about it can help you calm down and realize what how little this setback will affect you in the grand scheme of things. Hearing the voice of a loved one can always be a fabulous was to brighten your day.

Before heading back to the books, consider how beneficial a workout session could be. If you still feel out of sorts and upset, focusing on your work may be difficult. Therefore, begin with a fresh start. Getting that endorphins kick will drive the engine toward your comeback! Grab a friend or hit the gym solo to get in that much needed “me-time” and attain a new, healthy outlook on life.

Above all else you must remember that a bad grade is never the end of the world. You are a Demon Deacon – the power to let it go and comeback stronger than ever is in your blood. 

Go Deacs! :)
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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.