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Tyler Leung (’14)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Ambitious, athletic and a soft spot for a great smile? Total-package Tyler Leung makes us swoon in this week’s Campus Cutie interview!

Name: Tyler Leung
Age: 19
Class: Sophomore
Hometown: Hong Kong

Her Campus (HC): First things first … do you have a girlfriend?
Tyler Leung (TL): No, no girlfriend. Single.
HC: We’ll get back to that later! So can you tell us a little bit more about this start-up club we’ve heard you’re working on?
TL: It’s called SIFE—it’s Students In Free Enterprise. The main goal is to come up with projects or business ideas that could help sustain the community. Basically, we get funded by actual companies in the area, and they give us the money to implement these projects. So you present your project, and then you get the money and then you put it into action. Our goal is to, starting on a small scale, do projects in Winston-Salem and eventually go international. We could go to Nigeria, China, South America – all these different places and try and come up with projects there.
HC: Wow, how did you come up with this idea?
TL: One of my good friends’ older brother was in a SIFE organization at a different school, and they went to some of these international competitions. I think his brother actually won one of them. So he contacted me and asked me if I wanted to start this with him. And I was like, yeah, this sounds like a great idea.

HC: So are you in the business school?
TL: Um yeah, I’m applying!
HC: Okay, so you’re other main interest is tennis, right?
TL: Yeah, I play club tennis and soccer here. I’m actually the soccer captain now—I just found out yesterday! Tennis was my main sport until I was about sixteen. I used to play for Hong Kong. I was number one when I was a junior. And then I started playing more soccer when I was sixteen. But in Hong Kong we call [soccer] football. Both my coaches were British, so if we ever said ‘soccer,’ we’d have to run laps! So we said football. Instead of cleats, you’d have to say ‘boots.’
HC: Oh my gosh! That must get confusing.
TL: But yeah, I’ve always enjoyed playing soccer and tennis. And club keeps me busy on the weekends. I get to go to a lot of tournaments, especially in the fall. But I am looking forward to being captain because now I’m in control of running practices and who gets to play.
HC: Cool! And you’re also in Sigma Pi?
TL: Yeah, I enjoy it a lot. I’m surrounded by all my good friends. It’s convenient, it’s fun. If you ever need help from someone here, they’re all right there (gestures to halls).

HC: Okay, now on to the fun questions! Are you ready?
TL: (laughs) Yeah!
HC: Okay, biggest turn-off when you first meet a girl?
TL: Turn off? Oh gosh… if they say I’m from Japan, if they ask me how’s Japan—I’ll stop talking to you! I’ll be like, ‘Oh I’m from Hong Kong,’ and if they’re like, “Oh, you’re from Japan?” … (shakes his head).
HC: Fair enough! So what’s your biggest turn-on when you first meet a girl?
TL: I don’t know … some of the girls that I’ll usually try to meet off the bat have a great smile. That’ll probably get me interested.

HC: What about when you start to get to know a girl?
TL: I guess it’s kind of a reciprocal thing. Like, I like a girl who isn’t so sensitive—I don’t like having to hold myself back. And so, a girl that’s really easy to talk to and can joke around with you—that’s probably the greatest quality I see.
HC: What is your favorite activity to do with a girl you just met?
TL: Good question! Um, I guess it’s different here…in Hong Kong you can do a lot of different things. But I’m a sporty guy, so I wouldn’t mind taking a girl out on the tennis court, just to try and impress her (laughs)! But, I mean, once things settle down, I really love going to watch movies.

HC: Alright! Favorites time: boxers or briefs?
TL: Boxers, definitely. They’re more comfortable. Briefs when I play sports, which is quite often. So I’ll go boxer briefs, a happy medium. I’m a boxer briefs guy.
HC: Fair enough! What’s your favorite kind of music?
TL: You know, I’m one of those guys who actually listens to everything. I used to, when I was younger, you know, love Linkin Park. I was one of those guys. But I have to say I don’t have a specific genre.
HC: Favorite celebrity?
TL: I was always obsessed with Bruce Lee—I’ve got him on my wall! He’s hilarious, but he’s also a bad*ss at the same time.
HC: Kinda like you?
TL: (laughs) It’s true!

*Photography by Katie Mahone

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Ellie Baldini

Wake Forest

Ellie Baldini is a senior at Wake Forest University majoring in Communication and minoring in Journalism. A born-and-bred Jersey girl with three younger sisters, Ellie is considers herself a girl's girl, through and through.Currently, Ellie is the Editorial Campus Correspondent of HerCampus, Wake Forest, and the PR intern at the Wake Forest University School of Law. She is also a staff writer for the Life section of the WFU student newspaper, the Old Gold & Black. She has interned previously with a local event planner, and also has work experience at a commercial real estate firm.Ellie's primary passion is writing, closely followed by reading. While she prefers contemporary fiction writers, like Alice Hoffman, she is also a big fan of Ken Follett and Jane Austen. Ellie's favorite book is The Secret History by Donna Tartt. A self-described coffee addict, cat-lover, and a secret tabloid-reader, Ellie firmly believes in finding the silver lining in every situation.After graduation (or at least someday!), Ellie dreams of moving to New York and free-lance writing.