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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Turning twenty is a transition from teenage years and all that came before into adulthood. I’m still in the process of learning exactly what I want in life and how to get rid of the aspects of life that feel forced. Yet, being twenty and being in college allows for such a state of exploration; joining different clubs, meeting new friends, studying abroad. At the same time this exploration allows me to gently leave behind what I no longer need. For me, it’s become about taking advantage of every opportunity that falls into my hands and grasping it with anticipation and excitement for what’s to come. Perhaps I’m placing too much importance upon a number, but at the same time I’m wholly embracing it to challenge who I am and who I want to become. 

I’ve started doing things for pure happiness. Reading a chapter of a book for pleasure each morning during breakfast, handwriting letters to people who matter, dancing to music in my room, and making vlogs with friends for memories. I’ve also realized many things. Some people you just outgrow, things always look better in the mornings, it’s never too late to change who you are, and everything will always turn out okay. There is so much more beyond what I have put into writing that life consists of but I think being twenty is about figuring out and understanding what brings happiness and the lessons of life.

Beyond my twentieth orbit around the sun, I want to take full advantage of all the freedom’s that come along with being in your twenties. You know, before I enter into a possibly more settled stage of life. I want to have great times with great friends, love, eat delicious food, travel the world and experience everything it has to offer. To bring myself back to the present, I am listening to my gut more often; I’m trying to be more in tune with what I can provide and what the world has in return. There’s something spectacular in going with the ebb and flow of life. It brings along with it a sense of just rightness. Most importantly, as I’ve just turned twenty, I am cultivating a life overflowing with love.


Bella Reiter

Wake Forest '22

Currently a junior at Wake Forest University, I am studying English literature, Art History, and French. I spent my freshman year abroad living in Denmark and traveling Europe. I enjoy tea, film photography, and reading. You can always catch me watching sunrises and sunsets.
Claire Fletcher

Wake Forest '20

Mathematical Business Major at Wake Forest University