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The Style Files: Solange Highley, Wake Forest’s Resident Style Guru

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

I recently sat down with the uber trendy Solange Highley. Not only is she fun and brilliant, but she Solange has one of the most to-be-desired wardrobes and eye for style around campus. Here’s her take on style at the Forest:

Her Campus (HC): How would you describe your personal style?
Solange Highley (SH): I would say like Urban Outfitters but more classy and elegant.  I am more modern and don’t like to wear really vintage clothing.
HC: How would you sum up your sense of style in one word?
SH: Modern-chic
HC: Has your style changed at all since you got to Wake?
SH: Nope. I don’t think I should change just if people dress a little different from me.
HC: Where are you from? How would you compare your style to that of other people in Ecuador?
SH: Quito, Ecuador. I dress up more than most people, and so do my friends. In most Latin American countries, people do dress up more than in the U.S. For example, we don’t go out of the house in shorts and t-shirts.

HC: What’s one thing in your closet you couldn’t live without?
SH: EVERYTHING … haha just kidding. My boots and my leather jackets.
HC: Oh, so it seems you’re a bit protective of your things. How have you adapted to college where you have to share a room with someone?
SH: I haven’t really had to worry about sharing things with my roommate. She doesn’t like to dress up as much as I do. I am also pretty good about sharing with my good friends. They just have to make sure to give my things back. I hate losing things!

HC: Where’s your favorite place to shop?
SH: Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie. I also love random little boutiques.

HC: It’s getting cold now, so I’m sure you have put away a lot of your summer clothes. What are your fall must-haves?
SH: Boots, leather jackets, big sweaters, skinny black pants and scarves
HC: So aside from clothing, what kind of accessories do you go for?
SH: I love long, big necklaces with small earrings, or big earrings with small, short necklaces. I also love rings.
HC: It seems like you keep a pretty good balance with jewelry. We all know it’s not good to over accessorize. Where do you find most of your jewels?
SH: Lucky Brand, Urban and other random places. I also have some indigenous bracelets from Ecuador that I love.
HC: What is the craziest risk you’ve ever taken with fashion?
SH: Well, I’m not sure if this counts because I did it for Halloween, but last year, I dressed up as candy. I had candy earrings, bright lipstick with sprinkles on top, and a very colorful headband. It was a really last-minute costume, but it turned out great!

HC: Here’s the part most people will want to know. How do you get your hair to look so perfect everyday?!
SH: My hair is naturally pretty straight so it’s easy to work with. After showers, I put some product in and blow dry. I have layers so I also use one big curler in front and blow dry it again to get my “swoosh.”
HC: How do you manage to do your hair nicely everyday amidst your busy days at Wake?
SH: I don’t know. I’ve just always put time aside in my day to look nice. It also doesn’t take very long because I’ve been doing it since I was 15.
HC: I wish I had that kind of motivation! What would you recommend to girls that want to look nice more often but don’t feel like they have the time?
SH: Sometimes people think to dress up you need excessive amounts of time. I say it’s not that difficult to get up 25 minutes earlier or even plan your outfits the night before so you have more time to do makeup and hair in the morning. I also think I feel so good after I’ve gotten ready, even if I haven’t gotten a good amount of sleep.
So there you have it! Take Sol’s tips and trends to heart, and be fearless with your fashion.
Style on, chicas!