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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Name: Pat Blair

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

Major: Psychology 

Relationship Status: Single

Horoscope: Libra

HerCampus (HC): You play baseball here at Wake – how’s the team doing?

Pat Blair (PB): The team’s doing well, we’re 9 and 5 right now. We have our first game against UNC coming up this weekend. 

(HC): So you’re not going away for spring break then?

(PB): No, I’m staying here. Um, I think we have, like, four games, so I’m not doing anything.

(HC): Oh no, that’s a lot! What position do you play?

(PB): I play shortstop. 

(HC): Why did you choose Wake for baseball?

(PB): I chose Wake because I had an opportunity to play early as a shortstop since the shortstop left when I was coming in. Also, [Wake] was the perfect size for me and the academics are great.

(HC): Yeah, I felt the same. Did you know anyone here coming in?

(PB): I came here with Jack Carey, who was one of my good friends playing baseball growing up, so that was kind of cool coming in with him.

(HC): That’s nice! What do you do in your spare time?

(PB): One of my hobbies is playing golf; I love playing golf.

(HC): They have a really nice golf course around here right?

(PB): Yeah. I normally go to Tanglewood, though. It’s not that nice.

(HC): So you’re a senior now. What stands out as some favorite memories from being at Wake?

(PB): Probably just hanging out with my friends, going out to parties and Last Resort. Probably some of my best memories are at Last Resort.

(HC): (Laughs) You athletes love Last Resort!

(PB): I know.


(HC): Any plans for after graduation?

(PB): I’m hoping to get drafted. I got drafted last year by the Astros, but I elected to come back; so hopefully I get drafted again, hopefully by the Orioles.

(HC): Wow! Yeah, hometown team. So, do you have any tattoos?

(PB): No tattoos. If I came home with a tattoo my dad would kill me.

(HC): (Laughs) What’s your biggest pet peeve?

(PB): Um, this is kind of weird, but when people nail file in front of me I can’t take it. 

(HC): Really?

(PB): Yeah, I can’t take the sound. 

(HC): That’s funny. What are the three most important things to you?

(PB): Number one has to be my family. I have a pretty big family so that’s been instrumental in my life. My dad has six brothers and sisters; he’s the seventh. My mom has two brothers and one sister. My mom is from Puerto Rico and my dad is from Baltimore, so mainly I’m really close with my dad’s six brothers and sisters. I’m also close with the ones in Puerto Rico, but I don’t see them as much. Then [the second important thing is] friends, then I would have to say baseball.

(HC): That’s so cool, though! Do you speak Spanish?

(PB): I don’t, I try though a little bit.

(HC): If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

(PB): Chipotle burrito. No doubt. 

(HC): Classic Wake. Who would your celebrity crush be?

(PB): I’ve said this before; it has to be Eva Longoria. I love her.

(HC): Love her. What’s the cheesiest pickup line you’ve ever used, and did it work?

(PB): I mean, I don’t really use pickup lines but… How much does a polar bear weigh?

(HC): Um, I don’t know. 

(PB): Enough to break the ice. Pat Blair, nice to meet you.

(HC): (Laughs) That is a good one!

(PB): (Laughs) And it did not work. It’s actually from a movie but… 

(HC): Did she just like, walk away and laugh at you?

(PB): Yeah. Basically. 

(HC): Happens. What’s the first thing you notice when you see a girl?

(PB): I would say her eyes or her height, because I’m not the tallest guy.

(HC): (Laughs) So she has to match up?

(PB): (Laughs) Yes.


(HC): What are you most attracted to in a girl?

(PB): My track record is, like, tan and brunette girls.

(HC): Okay, now the intense question: ten years from now, where do you hope to be?

(PB): That is an intense question. Hopefully playing baseball. That would be my dream. 

(HC): Do you have a life motto?

(PB): Just leave no regrets, I guess.


*Article by Madeline Goode

*Photography by Kelly Guin

A Communications major and Journalism minor from New Jersey, Ellie has been writing for HerCampus for almost 3 years now. Known for her sassy personality and sunny outlook on life, Ellie prides herself on her confidence and composure- especially when it comes to how she writes! Ellie is the oldest of four girls, and in her free time loves a good book, the beach, and coffee of any variety. An active writer and blogger, Ellie is so pleased to have taken over the role of Editorial Campus Correspondent for HC-WakeForest, and looks forward to another year of lots of HCLove.