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“My Top 5 TV Shows to Make you Laugh until your Stomach Hurts”

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

I love binging TV shows. I really love it. I will watch just about anything. From comedy to drama to fantasy, all of it interests me. But my favorite kind of shows are the ones that make me laugh until my stomach hurts. So without further ado, here are my top five shows (in no particular order) that can make me laugh at any given moment:

New Girl

A classic I am sure you have heard, New Girl is one of the greatest sitcoms ever created. The show follows Jessica Day, a 29-year-old teacher, as she navigates life with her three male roommates: Nick, Schmidt, and Winston. Jess, who recently got over a breakup when the show opens, learns to become her own person without her ex-boyfriend, with the help of her new roommates who soon become more like family. New Girl makes me laugh even after seeing it all seven seasons five times through, so I am confident it will for you too. You can find New Girl on Hulu.

Working Moms

Not many people have heard of this show, but I promise it’s one you are going to want to check out. Netflix’s Working Moms enters the lives of best friends Kate Foster and Anne Carlson as they juggle their careers, kids, and husbands. The show portrays what it’s really like to be a “working mom” through a hysterically funny lens. After watching this show not only was I hoping for more seasons, but I found a newfound sense of appreciation for my own mom. It’s a quick binge that I would recommend to anyone. 

Derry Girls

Also on Netflix; Derry Girls, follows a group of 16-year-old girlfriends and their lone boyfriend, James, who must navigate life during the end of the Trouble’s reign in Ireland. The show demonstrates female dynamics perfectly, and with a wide range of characters,  I truly believe that everyone can find a character that resonates with them. The girls are hilariously unhinged, energetic, and ready to change the world. Derry Girls is an inspiring show that manages to have audiences laughing but also learning while they watch. 

American Housewife

American Housewife is a show that follows mother of three, Katy Otto, as she tries to manage raising kids in the affluent town of Westport, Connecticut. The series chronicles Katy  and her daily life as she attempts to maintain her sense of self while dealing with the notoriously pretentious mothers and families in her town. Katy  does her best to keep it real. The most helpful way I can describe this show is with the phrase “expectations vs. reality” and Katy  is the reality, the funniest reality yet. 

The Goldbergs

A show that takes place in the 80’s, The Goldbergs is a comedy about a family and their incredible “helicopter mom”, Beverly Goldberg. Beverly is the kind of mother who will go to whatever lengths –truly she has no boundaries which is why she’s so funny – to make sure her kids get what they want. This show holds a special place in my heart because Beverly  is basically my grandmother. My mom says this show reminds her a lot of her own life, which only makes it funnier to me. With three kids and the world’s laziest husband, Beverly still manages to do it all. Despite interfering in her kids’ lives in extreme ways, they always love and appreciate Beverly in the end. If you love sitcoms and are a fan of the 80’s, this show is for you.

Stephanie Novick

Wake Forest '27

Hi! My name is Stephanie Novick but I go by Steph. I am a freshman from Chappaqua, New York. I love to play field hockey, hang out with my friends and more importantly, my dog. I plan to major in either psychology or communications.