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Meet SGA Presidential Nominee: Nilam A. Patel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Collegiettes™, I am pleased to introduce you to Wake Forest’s three candidates for student government president. We’re doing a 3-part Q&A with each presidential nominee, so check out each of the three candidates’ profiles to see where they stand on the big issues before you head to the polls ( . . . or WIN) on Tuesday! Now, meet Nilam A. Patel: 

HC: Why are you the best candidate for SGA President?
NP: I am the best candidate for Student Body President because I not only have the most experience out of my two opponents but I already have great professional relationships with each administrator that I would be required to work with if elected. I have a student-friendly stance on several issues on this campus as well as the knowledge and awareness of projects and campaigns that the administration is currently implementing; please refer to my platform on www.nilamforpresident.com.  As Student Body President, you are elected to serve the student body, and while I do have my own agenda on my platform, my first and foremost priority would be to serve the students.

HC: What’s the biggest issue on the Wake campus that you’d like to change?
NP: I believe that the biggest issue on our university’s campus is the lack of communication.  Not only is this lack of communication coming from the administration to the students but it is also coming from Student Government to the students.  I want to bridge the gap between students and administration to find solutions to everyday problems that students face on this campus. The administration provides and creates new programs for the benefit of the students but the students never seem to know about them; for example, most students have never heard of the engagement fund and most faculty members have never used it.  The Faculty/Student Engagement Fund allows faculty members to host their students outside of the classroom; they are allowed to spend $8 per student or $125 (whichever is less).  Faculty can also host their students inside their home with a free meal catered by ARAMARK through the Provost’s Off-Campus Connections program. But one program that students do not utilize is the Faculty/Student Lunch Program where students on the meal plan can take their professor to dine with them for free in either the Fresh Food Company or the Magnolia Room.  The Faculty/Student Lunch Program provides for a relaxed environment in which students and faculty can explore their academic relationships beyond the classroom.  For example, it might be awkward to walk in during office hours and request that your favorite professor sign your copy of his new book but bringing up the topic over lunch can foster not only his signature but also conversation on his experiences and writing processes.

HC: What’s your favorite thing about Wake Forest?
NP: I will be completely honest; I cannot choose just one favorite thing about Wake Forest because I love everything about our Mother So Dear.  I will say that I have never felt more pride and happiness than when I am singing Dear Old Wake Forest with students, faculty, staff and alumni during spring Convocation or listening to all of the student A cappella groups perform in Wait Chapel in an effort to raise money for relief in Haiti; I always have chills running down my spine whenever I see students working together for a common cause or fighting for what they believe in – I want to continue to foster these ambitions and goals in order to make the college experience more enjoyable and memorable for students.
 HC: What are 3 things you’d most like to accomplish as SGA President?
NP: First off, I would like to get Student Government back to the respectful place it was in so both students and administrators could rely on us for information, advice and for us to be a sounding board for the university. 
Second, I want to increase the overall positive experiences that students have on campus.  Many have asked how I will accomplish such a task and the answer is by listening.  I will take the time to listen to every single student and to make their concerns my concerns. If I do not know the answer, then I will find out the correct answer for them in a timely manner.
Third, I want to accomplish to every single piece of my platform and more.  I am committed to my ideas but I am also making the concerns of my fellow students a priority.

HC: What has prepared you for being SGA President?
NP: Currently, I am the undergraduate student with the most Student Government experience.  I have served as a legislator for two semesters, I then chaired the Appropriations and Charter committee for two semesters and currently I am serving as Chief of Staff as an executive member. I have seen the organization from all three tiers and have found what works and what does not. I have also served on many committees with faculty and staff to improve the campus for students, so I am familiar with how the administration views certain issues and how students view certain issues.  Since I have already developed relationships with many administrators and staff, it will be easier for me to and for them to continue to work towards making the university a better place. We will not have to experience a learning curve; instead, we will be able to make changes and improvements almost immediately. Please refer to my website for a complete list of activities that I have been involved with: http://nilamforpresident.com/biography

Kelsey Garvey is a junior English major at Wake Forest University. Her upbringing in Connecticut, otherwise known as country club land, inspired her to write in order to escape and locate something more. Writing has also acted as her outlet to dabble in subjects far beyond her my intellectual capacity: art, culture, design, fashion, photography, and music. Other than reading Vogue and Vanity Fair cover-to-cover, Kelsey enjoys frequenting the blogosphere, speaking franglais in daily conversation, and laughing at her own pathetic jokes. Feel free to email her with any questions or comments.