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Meet the Boss Lady of Campus Grounds: Melody Petulla

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

That daily “cup of Joe” is a necessity for the average Wake student. Without it, half of us would be snoozing through morning classes and dozing off in the ZSR. With this in mind, we should be extra-appreciative of one of campus’s most efficient aficionados when it comes to liquid caffeine: Melody Petulla (’13). As the young manager of Campus Grounds, she runs the coffee shop and satisfies students’ caffeine-cravings on the reg.

Petulla, a senior from Chattanooga, TN, started working at Campus Grounds in August of 2010 as part of her work-study agreement.  As a Business and Enterprise Management major, Petulla wanted to take on a high-responsibility role in order to gain leadership experience.

“I didn’t necessarily think I’d be the manager,” she says. “But I like to aim high, so I just skipped the assistant manager application and went straight for the manager [position].”

Although Petulla’s official title is “Manager,” her role hasn’t been limited to typical managerial tasks. Her dedication to Campus Grounds has resulted in significant changes, from the shop’s décor to the types of products offered, all resulting in a 200% profit increase since she became Manager eight months ago (um, impressive much)?! While the rest of us were busy tanning last summer, the countless hours that she spent revamping Campus Grounds definitely paid off.

The new additions to the coffee shop include its artsy décor – featuring famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel printed on tabletops – additional barstool seating and a magnetic message-board wall.

The coffee shop also recently transitioned from Starbucks coffee to a local, highly recognizable brand in Winston-Salem: Krankie’s Coffee. In addition to coffee, they also now serve smoothies and cupcakes. With the always-improving selection of drinks and treats, your afternoon craving is sure to be satisfied at this cozy coffee shop.


With the seemingly endless options, it can be hard to decide on one product to indulge in. Petulla’s favorite treat, and one that she proudly invented during her sophomore year, is the Chocolate Covered Strawberry. She describes it as a delicious mocha concoction made of espresso, chocolate and a shot of strawberry syrup. Can you say “YUM”?!

Besides enhancing her barista skills, she feels that her role as manager has helped her become a better businessperson. She plans to utilize this newfound skill-set during future interviews and hopes to land a job in a related field.

“I’m a very entrepreneurial-oriented person,” she says. “So I want to one day open something of my own… something in the hospitality arena, whether its restaurants, coffee shops….[or] nightclubs.”

Whatever direction they take, her future entrepreneurial endeavors are sure to be well-run, innovative and efficient. In the meantime, Petulla and her staff at Campus Grounds have big ideas for further expansion and will continue to embrace the ideals of Pro Humanitate in their decision-making.

What should you expect in the future? The addition of a dollar menu and an increase in food options are two ideas that have been tossed around, all of which would be bought from local vendors.

So if you still haven’t ventured over to Campus Grounds (located in Taylor), stop in soon for a tasty treat (and be sure to give Mel your thanks on the way out!).

A Communications major and Journalism minor from New Jersey, Ellie has been writing for HerCampus for almost 3 years now. Known for her sassy personality and sunny outlook on life, Ellie prides herself on her confidence and composure- especially when it comes to how she writes! Ellie is the oldest of four girls, and in her free time loves a good book, the beach, and coffee of any variety. An active writer and blogger, Ellie is so pleased to have taken over the role of Editorial Campus Correspondent for HC-WakeForest, and looks forward to another year of lots of HCLove.