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Matt Bonner: The Epitome of True Southern Charm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

If you have ever  walked through the courtyard between Luter and Babcock, you are sure to have seen  Matt Bonner lounging at a table, simply enjoying the day. Matt can be found sitting leisurely around campus at all hours of the day, rain or shine. His southern manners are impossible not to love and his preppy style—impossible not to adore.

Matt is from the “Durham oasis” of Hope Valley, commonly called “happy valley” . . . or maybe that’s just what Matt calls it. It was here where he was born and raised a southern gentleman.
Matt’s southern manners and polite ways are the cherry on top of a perfectly put-together wardrobe. Preppy is an understatement for Matt, and classy may even be his middle name.
“Vineyard Vines is my favorite line of clothing unless I am feeling extra preppy.”

Cue Lilly Pulitzer.
Matt owns four pairs of Lilly pants, numerous ties and polos, and even a pocket square. As I admired his bright yellow shorts and blue polo, complete with a matching yellow logo embroidered on the chest, I realized I have never seen Matt dressed in dull colors.
“I just like to find things that are the most classically preppy in the brightest colors, and then I buy them.”
Simple enough.

Beyond brightly colored pants, Matt is never seen without his chunky gold ring. The ring is the Bonner family’s crest, and it is a family tradition for every son who graduates from high school to receive a token ring. The ring is complete with his initials and graduation date inscribed on the inside.
“Matt Bonner is an old soul, his way of speaking is very old fashioned and proper,” said Amanda Rousseau, one of Matt’s good friends. She went on to explain that Matt’s impeccable manners and courteous language are beyond the maturity level of an average college student. 

“I was born in the wrong era, I wish I was raised in the 40’s,” admitted Matt. Not only does Matt speak and dress maturely, but he also enjoys a good round of golf and “would take Frank Sinatra over Wiz Khalifa any day of the week.”
Matt’s mom is from South Carolina, and his dad  is a native North Carolinian, so Matt considers himself to be a “southern thoroughbred.” He learned to shag dance years ago and has since showed off his outstanding dancing abilities at Shag on the Mag, family weddings, friends’ birthday parties, and other formal functions.
His ‘old soul’ and southern mannerisms do have their faults though. “I do everything a little slowly,” Matt explained. Amanda laughed as she acknowledged the endless amount of times she has sat outside of Luter waiting to meet Matt.

Matt said he tries to live by two mottos; the first comes from a song very dear to his heart, “be young, be foolish, but be happy.” The second is a quote from a family friend who once said, “If we’re not having fun, we’re not doing it.”
“Is that why you never study?” asked Amanda.
“Yes, Amanda, that is exactly why,” answered Matt.

*Photography by Karleigh Ash

Kelsey Garvey is a junior English major at Wake Forest University. Her upbringing in Connecticut, otherwise known as country club land, inspired her to write in order to escape and locate something more. Writing has also acted as her outlet to dabble in subjects far beyond her my intellectual capacity: art, culture, design, fashion, photography, and music. Other than reading Vogue and Vanity Fair cover-to-cover, Kelsey enjoys frequenting the blogosphere, speaking franglais in daily conversation, and laughing at her own pathetic jokes. Feel free to email her with any questions or comments.