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Let’s Give a Deacon Cheer for Kaitie Beetner!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Senior Katie Beetner (14’) is not your average cheerleader. She is studying biology and chemistry and is currently deciding between UNC Chapel Hill and USC for Dental School next year. Ask any one of her friends and they will tell you she is one of their most loyal and kindest friends. I was lucky enough to sit down with her this past week to hear about how she became a cheerleader, what her experience has been like as a student and D1 athlete, and how she encourages others to go after their dreams. 

1. When did you first start cheering?

I didn’t start cheering till my sophomore year of college. I was actually a ballerina all through high school. I was really ready for a change and really over how political dancing competitions could be. Have you ever seen Dance Moms by chance? Well, if you have that explains why I wanted to quit.

2.  What’s a normal day like for a cheerleader? How is it different from game days?

On a normal day, we all wake up and have workouts at 8 a.m. Then we have practice from 7 to 9 p.m. For football we have to be there two and a half hours early. We have to warm up, welcome the players, have a pep rally, a parade, and then we do the game. It’s pretty much an all-day commitment.

3. Do you have to cheer at all sporting events?

We have to cheer for all of football and only home games for basketball. We have to travel to away football games too. It’s more of a privilege to go and we rotate who gets to cheer between the dance team and cheer.

4. What’s your favorite sport to cheer for?

Football. Football season screams school spirit. I do get frustrated when people don’t go into the game though. It’s especially frustrating when alumni ask about where the students are. I just wish students would show a bit more spirit sometimes.

5. How do you manage juggling school with cheering?

Honestly, I’ve always been going from school to dance to doing work. I just like being on a time crunch. It keeps me organized and motivates me.

6. What are you studying?

I’m majoring in bio with a chem minor. I’m pre-med and going to dental school after graduation. 

7.  What other kinds of activities are you involved with?

I’m president of the Red Cross Club. I’m in Beta. I’ve done Wake and Shake. I tutor athletes. Oh, and I work at a dentist office in Winston. I think that’s about it.

8. Do you have any advice for younger girls or guys that might want to cheer in college some day?

Never let trying something that is totally different or totally new scare you. I was never a cheerleader before I came to college, but I went for it and it has really shaped my college career. Even though my time has been different than a lot of people’s because of cheer, I have absolutely loved my experience.

9. And now for some off-the-wall questions. What is your spirit animal?

I want to say sloth because I love them, but that animal is the total opposite of me. So I’m going to say Quokka, because it never stops smiling.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Chris Paul.

11. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year where would you go?

La Jolla, California.

12. Who was your Valentine?

Liam White and Reese Poncia. Oh and Aia!

13. What will you miss most about Wake Forest after you graduate?

The people. The people here are unreal. Anything from sorority sisters to the professors. They are all just so amazing and I love them all so much.

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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.