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Kevin Ballerini (’16)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


Name: Kevin Ballerini
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Kingstown, MA
Major: Hopefully Finance
Relationship status: Single

HC (Her Campus): So what are you involved in on campus?
KB (Kevin Ballerini): My fraternity (Sigma Phi Epsilon), club baseball and club hockey.

HC: That seems like a big time commitment. How often you practice during the season?
KB: Two times a week for hockey and once or twice a week for baseball.

HC: Do you travel with the teams a lot?
KB: Yeah, we’re going to D.C. for hockey in October. Last year we went to Lynchburg, Va. and Charleston.

HC: It sounds like you’re really into sports.
KB: Yeah I played baseball, hockey and soccer in high school. I enjoy going to the gym on campus too.

HC: What’s been your favorite class at Wake?
KB: Russian, but it’s also my hardest class even though I’m taking Accounting.

HC: Russian isn’t the usual language people take as a divisional. How’d you get into that?
KB: Hamilton (Russian professor) was my faculty advisor so I met him early on; he convinced me to sign up for it. Besides, everybody takes Spanish and French. I love [Russian] even though it’s been my lowest grade every semester.

HC: So I’ve been told you’re a pretty funny person. What are some of your quirks?
KB: Really? Well I’m extremely clean, to the point where my bed is made every day. And I don’t like looking at the sky. I’m like, scared of heights upside down.

HC: That is pretty weird. (Laughs) What about guilty pleasures?
KB: Chick flicks. Romantic movies like P.S. I Love You and 500 Days of Summer.

HC: Aw, I love 500 Days of Summer! Zooey Deschanel is adorable. Okay, now some cheesy questions. Who’s your celebrity crush?
KB: Camilla Belle from 10,000 BC.

HC: What do you look for in a girl?
KB: Humility and not caring so much about what other people think of her.

HC: Any red flags or major turn-offs?
KB: If she’s condescending or rude to people. Also girls who are obsessed with Twitter and Instagram; basically girls who are on their phones a lot.

HC: What’s your favorite memory from last year?
KB: Kiss Night. It was crazy and everyone who was new to the campus was just meeting….And there was a lot of kissing.

HC: Do you have any embarrassing stories from freshman year?
KB: The Pit ice cream challenge was pretty embarrassing.

HC: I have no idea what that is.
KB: You see how much ice cream you can eat with your hands out of the soft serve machine.

HC: Oh wow! Did the Pit workers yell at you?
KB: Yeah, we had to leave.

HC: I can imagine! So what are you looking forward to this semester?
KB: Kicking ass in school, finding my future wife – that’s a joke. And maybe growing a mustache.  

HC: I hope that’s a joke too. (Laughs). Any advice for freshmen?
KB: Study more than you think you should.

HC: What about outside of the classroom?
KB: Don’t get caught doing anything you shouldn’t be. The disciplinary structure of Wake is brutal.


*Photography by Kristen Merlo

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Laura Mazurak

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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.